
How edtech is making quality learning accessible for all

– Mohammed Mohtashim, founder-managing director, TutorialsPoint

Often crises require societies to transform themselves, sometimes in a disruptive manner. After one such disruption of the covid pandemic that upended the wor economies and dramatically changed vital sectors, with education being one of these, the world was never the same. Today, the education sector, albeit under pressure, is undergoing radical transformations driven by the need to digitalize learning and use data and analytics. Whether the goal is to better support pain points in the student journey, more efficiently allocate resources, or improve student and faculty experience, the institutions are using them as an integral part of their processes and seeing the benefits of data-backed solutions.


The penetration of digital technologies in the education sector before COVID-19 was stumpy, at only 2-3 percent. Still, the pandemic propelled the adoption of technology, now known as edtechs, in the mainstream. Resulting in helping the main bottlenecks, such as teachers’ resistance to trying new digital tools and students’ and parents’ perceptions that education cannot be delivered with the help of technological devices. With time, online education became the norm, and today those at the forefront of this trend are already reaping their benefits. 


With the normalization of many “new normals” in the classroom, the schools have already come to recognize a fundamental fact: it is no more a question about whether education can be imparted online but more about how and with what means it can be done. For most schools, the more significant challenge is finding the right blend of technologically-backed educational solutions, and that’s where collaboration between EdTechs and schools steps in. To streamline digital learning, by working together, education institutions and edtech providers can ensure the possibilities of education technology can be widely utilised.

Edtech and pedagogy, teaching and learning

From innovative matching processes and usability testing to intentional implementation and correlational research, thoughtful collaboration between edtech entrepreneurs and schools yields impact over time. According to a report, the Indian education system is pegged at upwards of $100 Billion. School edtech is a $15 Billion opportunity, highlighting that multiple collaborations in the future of education are irreversible.   

To ensure the quality and increase the reach of learning, the digital solutions are helping in personalized and adaptive learning and, at the same time, give a fantastic tool to teachers for effective classroom teaching. The inclusion of these solutions has been able to bring a lot of interactivity and real-life simulation opportunities to teach. Another example of the strengths of digital technology is mapping content according to the board and textbooks prescribed by the school, which offer teaching and learning materials, case studies, videos, data and simulation tools, and the possibility to analyze progress and performance at every step of the way. 

Notably, the partnership helps to study the conditions that yield success and paints a picture of the product’s sustainable use. Aspects such as quality assurance, data protection and a code of conduct need to be considered jointly to create sustainable and ethically solid long-term solutions. 

The contribution of edtech and different types of collaboration is now evidently visible in all the lessons learned. Along with embracing the pedagogical development, they are imperative to innovate when catalyzing and delivering innovative solutions arm-in-arm with school requirements. Many education institutions and governments are already supporting the development of digital education, and edtech providers are offering their best expertise to assist with this development.


With the advent of technology, the crisis and the raging need for the best learning tools, the adoption, usage and demand for edtech solutions have grown extraordinary. The best edtech entrepreneurs and educators who understand this and are operating are already yielding progress together. All that the education sector needs right now is the development of a connected learning ecosystem, value creation for both students and teachers and democratisation of classroom learning. After all, the education sector needs to be transformed first to transform the entire nation. To ensure the same, TUTORIX, a premium learning app, believes in creating a learning ecosystem without compromising on the quality. We believe that virtual gurus on such platforms can complement school learning and ensure affordable, quality learning for all.