The world is going digital. Due to this, nowadays we can find a plethora of information online. This is especially true when it comes to educational materials – from essay experts review (on best writing services, new technologies, novel methods, etc.) to innovative sites with data to study from. But in the reality of the present we have one more difficulty to face – the need to homeschool due to the circumstances. Many students are learning online or in some hybrid method. Thus, for parents and teachers alike comes the necessity to develop new methods for education. This is why we are doing that article – to help you succeed in homeschooling.
Research the options
You may want to homeschool your child due to the pandemic or because of other reasons. No matter why, you need will have to start by doing a research. Start early to make sure you have enough time to prepare. Go to the library, browse resources, read different books, talk to people who are experienced in that. If there is a homeschooling organization, talk to people in it. Educate yourself on what are your options. This will offer you a better perspective on the decision, as well as what do you plan to accomplish with homeschooling. You may not understand everything from the get-go, but do not worry, all will become clear during the process.
Check what are the homeschooling requirements in your state
Different states have different requirements for homeschooling. For some, declarations may be required, attendance records must be maintained, standardized tests should be conducted at the respective periods.
Join a homeschooling group
This can lead to various benefits and valuable information. It will allow you to get answers to all your questions and see some teaching habits. You will also understand what works for other people and what doesn’t. Also, you will be able to see what are the activities that the kids may want to take part in, such as tutoring, various clubs, or different sports. You will have scheduled meetings where you may decide to join a group of kids for science, language, or other learning activities.
Pick the curriculum
Such can be ordered from online stores or mail order catalogues. They differ from the traditional workbooks and textbooks. They are targeted at individualized approaches. Such curriculums are more tailored to the own interests of the children. Homeschooling products can also be found at curriculum fairs and state conventions.
Create a designed space
Where do you want to teach the lessons? In the living room, at the countertop in the kitchen, etc.? Will you need a desk? Or maybe a blackboard? Where do you plan on putting the completed work, the schedules, the different calendars? Will you use a computer with Internet connection?
For textbooks and workbooks you will need bookshelf or a storage cabinet. One will probably also require a basket to manage the garbage that will inevitably overflow the workspace.
In short, what we mean is that you will need a specific space. It can be simple, as long as it is well-organized. That space will be necessary for conducting classes, so make it comfortable. At the same time, keep the distractions out or they will occupy your child’s attention.
Set your goal
Homeschool progresses with the pace of the particular child. So, one of the important steps you need to take is to consider your goals. What exactly do you want to accomplish? Yes, one of the most important aspect are academics. They are good not only in the short run, but in the long one, as well. Still, that’s not the only thing that you need to set in your child’s schedule. They will need physical activity, socialization, time to play or pursue its interests. You may want to also check the extracurricular activities, tailored to the interests of your kids.
To get some help with that, you can connect to other parents. Also, the local community centers can be a good source of information.
Set a schedule
Now, you already have your plan. Next comes the schedule. It should be tailored to your goals. This will help you get organized, especially during your first steps in the process. It will also show you what your mission is and how are you going to accomplish it. Get yourself a plan book and see how do you wish to distribute the academic schedule of the child week by week. Make sure you leave time for educational trips or going to the library. Also, note that homeschooling offers flexibility. Thus, you can adapt the schedule according to what you deem is currently necessary for the child.
Remember to set some time for yourself
While being preoccupied with the homeschooling, you may easy forget to take care of yourself. But you need to put some time in the schedule for this, as well. You need to have some time to take a good care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. If you don’t pay attention to those, you can get into bad habits or situations where you won’t be of help for your children. Thus, for the sake of your kids and for your own, make sure to have some time for yourself.
Getting help from a mentor
Homeschooling is different in different families. Still, if you are able to find a person to guide you, probably a parent that is already experienced, you will find it much easier to adjust to this style. With a mentor by your side you will not only understand more for a shorter period of time, but they will also show you the big picture.
Keep a note
While you proceed with your journey in homeschooling, try to put your experience and thoughts in a journal. Also, note what questions do you have. This will allow you to recall them when you have someone to ask. But by journaling about your experience, you will be able to see what is working and what isn’t. You will also have a place to gather your thoughts and consider what comes next.
Also, when you are feeling down and discouraged about the process, you can go through the journal and recall what your goal is.
There are many reasons why one would like to homeschool their children. Each family has their own plans, methods, and resources. And the situation nowadays makes homeschooling an even bigger priority. So, we tried to talk briefly on the most important steps to start this process. We hope that our article will help you put your considerations on practice and will aid you in the first steps of your journey.
Laura Fields loves writing and she has even stronger affiliation to education. She follows those passions and makes sure she provides quality content that is beneficial for teachers, parents, and students alike.