Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin laid the foundation of Hyundai Motor India Limited’s Hydrogen Innovation Centre. Hyundai established a dedicated ‘Hydrogen Innovation Centre’ in association with Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) and Guidance Tamil Nadu, supported by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
An investment of Rs.180 Crore has been set aside towards development and construction of a dedicated facility for research in the space of hydrogen technology innovation.
The hydrogen innovation centre will spread 65,000 sq ft within the IIT Madras Thaiyur campus in Chennai. The facility is expected to become fully operational by 2026.
This new facility is being developed through a strategic partnership with Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) and Guidance Tamil Nadu, with the support of the State Government of Tamil Nadu. The hydrogen innovation centre is poised to serve as a catalyst for innovation in the field of hydrogen technology.
The partnership aims to accelerate hydrogen ecosystem development and adoption in Tamil Nadu, and the rest of the nation according to a note by IITM.
Gopalakrishnan Chathapuram Sivaramakrishnan, Whole-time Director and Chief Manufacturing Officer (CMO), HMIL, said, “We are hopeful the upcoming hydrogen innovation centre will accelerate hydrogen mobility adoption in Tamil Nadu. HMIL will be investing INR 100 Crores towards facility construction at the IIT Madras Thaiyur campus in Chennai. In line with our global vision of ‘Progress for Humanity’, this facility will serve as a key enabler to advance hydrogen as an eco-friendly, emission-less future source of propulsion for mass-mobility solutions.”