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IIM IPM – The best bet after Class XII

July 3, 2020

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) conduct its national aptitude test once every year and over 20,000 students appear annually. The aptitude test facilitates admission to their 5-year integrated program in management. The admission process consists of the IPM Aptitude test, on clearing the cut-off for which, students proceed for the next round, Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI). IPM is a unique course structure that provides a wholistic development rather than just the managerial skills. This is a unique combination that no other graduate program can match.

Career after XII – Why IIM IPM?

While the courses in management has got huge popularity over a period of time attributing to the fact that it is a stream neutral career option, is one of the favourite choices for students, with provision of ample opportunities to the students and respect in the society.

Preparing for the entrance exam IPMAT – IIM is no rocket science and to understand how, it is always better to start the preparation a year before, than to have last-minute stress. Once you are clear about the career you want to get into, the syllabus looks humongous but when segregated and planned perfectly it becomes much easier.  

IPM selection process is a rigorous process of selecting students with diversified portfolios. They choose crème de la crème from the applications received. This potpourri in itself provides a unique fragrance that is a priori. Yes, it requires hard work to sustain in the program but at the end it is reflected in your personality, once you are ready to face the world with challenges.

The brand value of IIM has been on a growth since its inception. This is due to its well carved alumni base. This brand value lends a lot of credibility to as student in terms of professional and personal growth that it provides. Due to this structure of IPM, students are built for leadership roles and positions of responsibility.

5 year Integrated Program for Management

A Multi-Dimensional Perspective – The entire 5-year course is divided into two parts – three years and two years. The first three years are the intensive foundation stones/pillars that are laid with utmost precision. This would include understanding of humanities subjects as philosophy, psychology, mathematics, statistics and economics. Next two years are in sync with the CAT selected students. The IIM IPM believes in shaping managers who are socially conscious and relevant in today’s scenario. The five-year duration is so meticulously design that it provides high analytical rigour through mathematics & economics and socially responsible managers by understanding of humanities. This opens multi-dimensional perspective.

During these five years you come in contact with some of the brightest minds in terms of students, peer group, faculty members and above all the guest lectures. These bring in another dimensions, horizons and another perspective to the learning process. These guest lectures are from all line and length of industries to government departments. This is unique to only few colleges and IIM IPM can boast of it.

Social Internships – As most of the students in India, after class XII, do not have exposure to working, IPM provides a unique opportunity to understand the working culture & ethics with the help of Social Internship after the end of first year. To sync, after the end of each year, a student goes for different internship programs. Students of IPM also have opportunity to go for sabbatical for a maximum of two years. These two years may be used to acquire experience, earn or anything else that would help a student grow.

Foreign Exchange Programs – Foreign exchange program is another feather in the hat. Not many programs, apart from IPM, have such articulated exchange programs. These universities are the part of Europe, Taiwan and brazil. This foreign exchange program ranges from three to five months and the student derives a new dimension to his understanding process. Mind it, a student has to earn this program and it does not come to the student as a Suo-motu function.

Campus Placement – Campus placements for IPM students have at par packages with that of PGDM. So absolutely no differentiation or discrimination. Moreover, many companies prefer to mould the candidates according to their requirements, hence companies prefer non-experienced candidates. Pay packages are just an indicator of the values imbibed in a student.

The best part is that the shaping of a student in IPM starts from the scratch. So, you have maths or not, you have management or not in class XI/XII is immaterial, but you need to prove your mettle through only admission test and interview. Looking into the difficulty level of the paper and number of students appearing for the test vis-à-vis seats, it requires 24 months to 12 months of systematic study plan that should be in sync with your class XI and class XII study plan.

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