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IIT Bombay

IIT Bombay launches M.Tech programme In Educational Technology

April 1, 2019

With a well established PhD programme since 2010, the Interdisciplinary Programme (IDP) in Educational Technology (ET) at IIT Bombay has recently announced the launch of a new M.Tech degree programme in ET with the first batch slated to commence in the Fall of 2019. Educational Technology (ET) is an interdisciplinary field, which lends itself to collaboration with researchers from varied disciplines to develop technologies supporting existing educational practices as well as to create technology-enhanced learning.
The programme is designed to screen learners from diverse backgrounds with genuine interest in improving learning and teaching using technology.

The broad objective of the M.Tech programme is to build specialised ET workforce with student expertise in theories of learning and pedagogy; analysis, design, effective implementation and evaluation of learning environments; instructional design; research methodologies; translating research into practice; and working collaboratively on complex interdisciplinary projects.

IIT Bombay is one of the few premier institutes in the country with a strong ET programme, working towards improving teaching and learning in education.

Elaborating on the role of his department, Professor Sridhar Iyer, head of the department at ET said, “With a strong interdisciplinary focus, our department contributes towards developing innovative research-based solutions for improving student learning and engagement. We emphasise on learning of abstract thinking skills, creation of large-scale blended and online learning programs, development of emerging technologies for education, and learning analytics; all grounded in theories of learning sciences.”

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