There are several excellent books which enable children to read faster and better using phonics. They usually incorporate activities and stories designed to develop a good understanding of phonics and language. With the new school year starting this month, we present our 4 top recommendations writes Poornima Dilip
Jolly Kids Phonetic Reader
Sheth Publishing. Age group: 4-7, Price: Rs.225
This attractive book makes English language learning and reading easy for children by turning alphabets into sounds, sounds into words and words into language. It’s designed to develop phonemic awareness from basic to primary based on frequency of usage, and improves reading, vocabulary, and pronunciation skills. The book is well-illustrated with engaging activities. Recommended as a comprehensive teaching aid for parents and teachers.
Fitzroy Phonics Readers
SAAR Education Pvt Ltd. Age group: 3-7, Price: Rs.360
A compilation of ten entertaining stories, Fitzroy Phonics Readers uses a phonetic approach to literacy and introduces children to new sounds or digraphs, and a few words to learn by memory. Once they have learnt the new sound and words for each story, they proceed to read it. The stories sequentially progress from one difficulty level to the next. Excellent resource to improve children’s pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
Just Phonics (Senior Infants)
Souvenir Publisher Pvt Ltd. Age group: 3-5, Price: Rs.230
This book helps children understand the letter-sound relationship using an assortment of activities. It uses a multi-sensory, spiral approach to learning phonics by emphasising the formation as well as sound of every phoneme, so children recognise the specific ‘shape’ of each sound. Blending of words is introduced as soon as children understand how sounds combine to make words. A highlight of Just Phonics is that it introduces children to several sight words with illustrations to build vocabulary, combining sight reading with understanding of phonics to improve reading skills effectively.
Little Genius – Phonics and Vocabulary
Filpclass Publishers. Age group: 3-7, Price: Rs.599
A highly engaging workbook for preschoolers featuring enjoyable activities, it helps children learn the intricacies of pronunciation of all consonants, short and long vowels. Its USP is that it’s a ‘smartbook.’ You can use your mobile phone to read out the words for children who can also read along by scanning the QR codes in the book. Little Genius helps children identify and pronounce over 250 simple words, learnt as sight words.