Jobs in Education System

EducationWorld India College Rankings Survey Form

Please read the below instructions before filling the form:

  1. The EducationWorld India Higher Education Rankings Survey will be published in one of the issues of EducationWorld.
  2. EW India Higher Education Rankings will be uploaded on and published in the magazine
  3. Institutions will be intimated to receive the awards through email if the institute is ranked in the Top 10 list of National and State Rankings.
  4. Before filling out the form, download the physical form to review the required details (this will help you save time), download the college-survey-form from here
  5. All details must be filled till the end. If you wish to fill the form later, then click on the save and continue later button at the bottom of the page, after clicking the button a pop-up message will be displayed please remember to copy and save the link to complete the form later. There is also an option to send the link to your email address, please enter the correct email address, if you have not received the email, kindly check your spam/junk folder. 
  6. If you wish to upload any files (word, JPEG, PDF formats) kindly keep them ready on your computer/laptop and grant access to all files uploaded on Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive etc.
  7. All information and data submitted by the institute’s authorities will be used solely for the purpose of EducationWorld India Higher Education Rankings and data privacy is assured.
  8. In case of any clarification please contact: +91 7777073492 or write to [email protected], for technical queries call +91 9538013247 or write to [email protected].
  9. On successful submission of the form, an acknowledgement mail will be sent to all the email addresses submitted in the form
  10. Please note there is no charge for submitting the EducationWorld India Higher Education Rankings form and/or inclusion in the rankings league tables.
  11. The completion/submission of this form is voluntary. Not a precondition for inclusion in the rankings.
  12. Late date for form submission is February 28, 2025


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