Jobs in Education System

Thane based Click Interviews – Indias leading executive staffing and search firm with strong forte in Information Technology, Consulting, Banking & Financial sectors since 2007 – has announced the launch its unique education venture, Click Interviews.
This unique offering of Click Interviews seeks to address the crucial but often ignored need of the hour – a formal training programme for ‘interview preparation in India.

Today, the term ‘interview is not restricted to job market alone. Parents, students and professionals all need to prepare for interviews right from getting school admissions to college admissions, entrance exams, higher studies, and degree courses, among others. In the present era of high technology advancements, rising number of unemployed graduates, large supply of educated people, low demand for jobs, and cut-throat competition, it has become all the more important for students and professionals to be thoroughly prepared for the opportunities they come across in order to grab them swiftly.

In todays scenario, facing an interview is the biggest fear of students from all streams. From engineering to finance, from medicine to doctorate, every student faces the fear of failure while appearing for the interview. According to survey reports, a majority of students have been rejected in their interviews not because they lacked knowledge but because they lacked confidence and positive body language, besides other soft skills. Click Interviews aims to address these specific challenges of students and professionals.

Click Interviews is also an exclusive partner of InterviewMax in Western Mumbai. They bring to us a sure fire way to be successful in professional interviews. The initiative is a result of a 6 year long, extensive research and analysis on ‘What Went Right and ‘What Went Wrong with over 37,000 candidates and collective experience of conducting over 120,000 interviews in Engineering, Technology & Management streams. Click Interview is the only tool currently available to ensure superior performance in professional interviews.

Who can benefit from this unique offering?

Click Interviews programmes are designed for:

– Final year/pre-final year professional students (Engineering/Management/IT etc.)

– Job seekers

– Job changers

– Educational Institutions & Training centers

– HR consultants

– Corporates

What is so unique about these programmes? What are key features &benefits?

This is the only company in India which offers these innovative methodologies to ensure successful performance in a professional interview. They are not created by academicians but the result of successful industry professionals from the fields of Engineering, Technology, Management, Information & Technology, Medicine etc with experience of conducting over 100,000 interviews. It works at the heart of the issue – building the crucial ability to respond on the spot through advanced technologies (like Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Simulators, etc) and methodologies (like Experiential Learning, Content-based Instruction, etc)

What is Professional Interview Simulator & what does it do?

An advanced software that puts candidates through realistic, customised professional interview process. As in a real interview, simulator creates anxiety, fear and tension; responses are captured for review. The simulator builds answering reflexes, abilities to think on ones feet, verbal and body-language. It is backed by professional interview trainer where candidates can attempt new interviews any number of times, get access to best responses, guides advice, etc. No other training programme can provide realistic practice sessions. Interview max programme captures body-language in realistic situations.

CareerZest has tested and tried the Professional Interview Simulator, it works really well. Most of the times, candidates hesitate to speak at the mock interviews owing to their fear of people. Once they practice speaking on the simulator, it becomes easier for them to appear in front of real people. Anyone who is crippled with the fear of facing an interview, should try out Click Interview innovative offerings.

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