Your cover story on ‘A-Z New Year resolutions for good parenting’ (PW January) was informative and refreshing. The suggested list of resolutions were simple to follow and relevant to improving the quality of family life.
Though like most people I have seldom followed my New Year resolutions through, I am determined to try out some of your advice of including more outdoor play and digital detox.
I also request you to include more stories providing practical advice on dealing with the multiplying problems of teenagers.
Nishita Suren
Inspiring interview
The interview with Chumki Sharma, the Kolkata-based banker-turned-model and single parent of a child with special needs, was inspiring (PW January). As a parent of an autistic child, I can relate to the emotional upheaval and challenges she confronts on a daily basis especially after she decided to return to full-time work.
Kudos to Chumki for balancing work and home! It’s my misfortune that I have experienced enormous guilt ever since I decided to return to work, leaving my child at home. Chumki’s interview has boosted my confidence so much so that I have started believing that I made the right decision.
I also love the Ask Your Counselor and Fun with Words sections in the January issue. Keep up the good work!
Rashmi Devaraj
Joint family parenting problems
Thank you for publishing ParentsWorld and focusing a much-needed searchlight on the many challenges which modern-day parents face in the Google age.
Managing toddlers, school-going children, work and in-laws is daunting for many working mothers, especially those living in joint families.
I envy women in nuclear families who can make their own parenting decisions. Parenting is hard enough without being compelled to balance the opinions of several family members. My sisters-in-law also face a similar plight.
Parenting in joint families in India has its unique challenges.
Depressed Mom on email
Useful advice
I am a mother of a 10-year-old hyperactive child and loved your Middle Years story ‘Unconventional child? Bring out her best’ (PW January).
In our case, we have tried enrolling her in meditation and music therapy classes, but it hasn’t helped much. A brilliant and imaginative child, she is a quick learner, but her lack of attention and wandering mind often means that she can’t concentrate on any activity for long. Though she has cleared all the education milestones until now, the possibility of her hyperactivity persisting into adulthood is sure to hinder her personal and professional development.
In your story, the author’s suggestion to shortlist career options which don’t require working in a conventional 9-5 set-up is useful advice. However, I am a tad confused about the suggestion to opt for a gap year given that a hyperactive mind and loads of free time doesn’t seem a good combination for success.
Shan Raghu
Parents should be vigilant
I am a regular reader of ParentsWorld and enjoy reading parenting/child care research studies published in the News Bytes section. I believe it’s important for parents to remain up to date with the latest research in child health and parenting trends. As a former school counselor, I have some advice for parents of younger children.
The key to understanding your child is to ensure open two-way communication. Moreover with the incidence of mental health problems within children rising, be vigilant and watch out for signs of aggressive and consistently disobedient behaviour, or repeated temper tantrums. In the case of teenagers, look out for displays of over-anxious behaviour relating to weight or physical characteristics. These are warning signs that something is amiss. My request to all parents is to spend quality time with your children.
Pricilla Thomas