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International Men's Day

International Men’s Day: Interesting facts about men

November 19, 2019

Observed on November 19 every year, International Men’s Day focuses on men’s and boys’ health – both mentally and physically, to promote gender equality, and highlight male role models. Founded in 1999 by Dr Jerome Teelucksingh, a history professor at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad & Tobago.

Here are some facts about men that you may not be aware of:

Worldwide, boy babies are 25% more likely to die in infancy than girl babies. 

Globally, men have a life expectancy of 64.52 years, as compared to women, who have a life expectancy of 68.76 years.

The brains of adult men are about 10% larger in total size than the brains of women.

The average male has about 50% more muscle mass and 50% less body fat than the average female.

Boys are three to four times more likely to be diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders than girls.

Boys are approximately three times more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than girls.

Men are likely to lie 6 times a day, which is twice as often as women.

Men with shaved heads are perceived as an inch taller and 13% stronger than men with hair.

Men account for 74.4% of lead roles in Hollywood movies. The first time two men kissed on-screen was in 1927.
During the 1600s, men were the first to wear high heels. Later, women began to wear them to look more masculine.

By 2020, China could have between 30 million men who cannot find wives.

A man is 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than a woman is to be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Men are 3 to 4 times more likely to attempt suicide and succeed than women.

The “Adam’s apple” or laryngeal prominence in the neck, is a feature primarily unique to adult men is a result of the growth of the larynx during puberty.

Internationally, there are 107 (approx) baby boys born for every 100 baby girls.

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