PW invited parents of NL Dalmia High School, Thane to share their insights on how they introduce a variety of career choices to their children
“We are Marwadi Jains with business and trading in our genes. But our son Sanchit (class IX) has always been an inquisitive child with a strong urge to explore new places and things. Psychometric tests apart, we introduced him to friends and family from diverse professions so he is well-informed about available career options. Recently our son participated in a student exchange programme in the Netherlands which clearly enhanced his knowledge about the real world. Living outside his comfort zone boosted his confidence and cleared his doubts about future career pathways” — Rinku Bhandari, homemaker
“We have always given our daughter Joshitha (class X) a patient hearing without being judgemental so she can stand by her view- point. Over the years, our daughter has discovered multiple strengths and intelligences within her which have helped her decide her career pathway. We even helped her find mentors in her field of interest. To bridge the generation gap between us, we make it a point to communicate as far as possible and not regard her as an extension of ourselves” — Madhavi Kavali, homemaker
“We have come to realise that helping our daughter Srishti (class XI) identify her strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values, can guide her towards a fulfilling career. We have ensured a nurturing learning environment by providing her with ample online resources, encouraging daily family discussions, and participating in school-organized career fairs to learn about diverse pathways, career assessments and aptitude tests. Encouraging a lifelong learning approach, and acknowledging that career aspirations can evolve over time are some important values we have instilled in our daughter” — Dr. Sajita Shukla, medical professional and entrepreneur
“We respect and value our son Hanif’s (class XII) understanding of the variety of career options available in the market and encourage him to make a well-informed choice. From his formative years, we have helped him identify his strengths and weaknesses and encouraged him to think of ways and means to build on his strengths. Patience and persistent encouragement have been key elements in this journey” — Nazia, secondary school facilitator, RBK Global School.