Private schools in Karnataka have asked the government to be mindful about the syllabus they have followed after parts of the model question papers have gone out of syllabus.
This concerns the model exam papers that the department of school education and literacy released earlier this week for the newly introduced annual assessments for class five and eight.
The Associated Managements of Private Schools in Karnataka have written to education minister BC Nagesh, informing him that the questions that have been framed as part of the model syllabus are not based on the state board textbooks.
The association’s general secretary, D Shashi Kumar has said that an analysis of these model papers show that the questions are based on the ‘Kalika chetarike’ curriculum that the department had designed to make up for pandemic induced learning loss among students.
While this curriculum was followed by government schools, for whom the education department had provided additional learning resources, private schools followed routine textbooks, they have claimed.
“A group of private schools have approached us with this concern. We were asked to follow text books issued by the Karnataka Textbook Society. The same was done. Now we are concerned that the final exam papers could have questions from the Kalika Chetarike programme. Our students have not been taught basis that,” said Shashi Kumar.
It maybe recollected that the Karnataka government has proposed to introduce annual assessments for class 5 and 8 students, in the form of uniform exams for all, evaluation for which would happen at the Taluk level starting this academic year. This, they believe would help derive measurable learning outcomes.
Private schools have also called upon the education minister to call for discussion and deliberations pertaining the introduction of these annual assessments as they wanted to seek clarity on some issues.
They have also raised concerns over non prescription of textbooks for pre primary classes, due to which schools use their own books. They have sought that the question paper be bilingual or option be given for schools to selec the language.