The Karnataka education department has issued an order mandating that the national anthem be sung in all government, aided, unaided private schools and PU colleges in the state, every day.
The state government order issued on August 17 is in reiteration of a union education ministry order from 2016 and a mandate under section 133(2) of the Karnataka Education Act. This allegedly comes in the wake of complaints by an NGOs that some private schools in Bengaluru failed to do so.
Sources said that complaints were filed at primary education minister BC Nagesh’s office against St Joseph’s Boys High School, Bishop Cottons Boys and Baldwin’s Girls High School over these schools disallowed students from singing the anthem. These schools have been issued notices by the state’s education department. The three schools, however, did not respond to these allegations.
The Karnataka Education Act of 1983 has it that the state government has a duty to instill civic sense, and to respect the Constitution, constitutional bodies, the national flag, and the national anthem. Should there be a shortage of space in schools, the national anthem must be sung in classrooms daily.
The state’s order cites that asking students to sing the anthem will inculcate a sense of patriotism among them and give them a sense of pride.
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