The Department of Pre-University Education (PUE) in Karnataka will declare the result of Karnataka PUC II results 2020 or class 12 Karnataka board exams tomorrow, July 14, 2020. State Primary and Secondary Education Minister S Suresh Kumar told The Indian Express, “The result of the II PUC exams will be released at 11:30 am tomorrow. The only remaining paper (English) which was originally scheduled to be held on Mach 23, was held on June 18, once lockdown norms were eased.”
The Karnataka PUC II results 2020 would be available on Students who were unwell and came from containment zones were made to sit in different rooms. Over 220 students from containment zones appeared for the Karnataka II PUC exam – 162 in Dharwad, 13 in Davanagere, 15 in Shivamogga and nine in Udupi. And, twenty other students were unwell including 12 in Mysuru.
Suresh Kumar earlier said, “Last year, 94.5 percent students appeared for the II PUC exam in Karnataka while this year, the attendance rose to 96 percent. We will find out why the others, about 23,600 students, did not appear for the exam. If there are any genuine reasons, we will provide them with an opportunity to write supplementary exams as freshers.”
The exam was the first exam to be conducted in Karnataka after the first lockdown was eased. “This has made us confident of conducting SSLC exams. There were reports of lapses in following social distancing. There were three problem areas – gates, barricades and doors. There was also crowd gathering at the notice boards to check the room numbers allotted to them. Hence, we now know what additional measures need to be taken and where we need to improve. We shall send all the details such as their registration and room numbers to the students,” said Kumar.
Source: The Indian Express
Also read: CBSE releases class 12 results 2020; pass percentage at 88.78%