Karnataka chief minister Basavaraj Bommai said that in-person classes in schools would resume from Monday onwards. No decision has been made yet regarding the reopening of colleges.
The chief minister met with home minister Aaraga Jnanendra and minister for primary and secondary education, B C Nagesh on Thursday regarding the Hijab row and the violence in educational institutions.
Addressing the media, Bommai said that permission would not be granted for any celebration or protests in this regard.
After the Hijab row had taken a violent turn in several districts across the state, the Karnataka government had ordered a holiday for classes 9-10 and colleges upto February 11.
In an interim directive announced by the Karnataka High Court in this regard, it was stated that until the final order of the court is announced, no student will be allowed to wear a religious attire to educational institutions.
Bommai has also convened a meeting with officials in various districts on Friday to discuss the ground situation and take a call on the same. DCs, Zilla Panchayat officials and CEOs are said to participate in the meeting where measures to be taken till the court delivers its verdict will be discussed.