The Karnataka High Court has allowed the state government to conduct the KCET 2020 examinations in the state on July 30 and 31. As per reports, the court has asked all students, who will come to give the examinations should be allowed to write the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET).
The high court was hearing a petition filed by candidates on Tuesday challenging the notification passed by the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
When the Karnataka High Court directed the state government to reconsider its decision to hold the KCET 2020 exams, Deputy Chief Minister Dr CN Ashwathnarayan had held an emergency meeting through video conference with all the senior officials concerned on Tuesday, July 28.
The minister later said in a press release, “All the officials, DCs and police officers have assured full cooperation and are confident of conducting the Karnataka CET exams as scheduled. They are fully prepared as per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and have put in place all the necessary protocols and will take required precautions.”
He added, “As we have successfully conducted the PUC and SSLC exams even amidst the COVID situation, I am confident we will conduct the CET exams as well without any issues, with the cooperation of all the officials.”
The government had earlier decided to postpone the PG-CET and Diploma-CET exams as the final year exams are yet to be held for those students. The PG-CET and Diploma-CET exams were to be held on August 8-9 and August 9, respectively. A total of 1,94,356 students will write the CET exams at 120 places in 497 centres across the state.
Earlier, Ashwathnarayan had stated that “Officials have informed that they are all set to conduct exams on July 30 and 31. We will put this matter in front of the high court. As per the instructions of the high court, we will move forward.”
“…I had called an emergency meeting with district collectors, officials of education, transport, health, police department. And, I took information about the preparedness for conducting the CET exam,” he added.
The KCET exam is a state-level entrance exam organised for providing admissions in Engineering, Pharmacy, B Pharma and other courses offered by colleges and institutions within the state.
During the exams, thermal screening, wearing of masks and physical distance will be strictly followed. Exam centres will be sanitised two days prior to the exam dates, a statement said.
Source: NDTV
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Also read: Karnataka: Asymptomatic Covid-19 positive students can write CET examination