
Kerala’s “free” school for special children to open next month

Kerala's 'Free' Special School

Kerala’s premier state of the art special school for children, which has been set up at a cost of Rs. 3 crore will open on December 3, 2019. The biggest highlight of the institution is that education will be free. One may pay for the services, only if they wish to but not necessarily.

The facility has been set up on the lines of the prestigious Johns Hopkins University of the United States. Faizal Khan managing director, NIMS Hospital told that state of the art NIMS Spectrum, comprehensive rehabilitation services for the differently-abled children will open on December 3, which is the International Day of Disabled Persons.

He further added, “7000 square feet of space at the ground floor has been set aside from their present 350-bed hospital, where about 80 children can be accommodated in a day for various therapies. Fourteen different departments would be there for such children to be looked into by 100 professionally trained staff.”

“All will be handed over a bill. Those who wish to pay can pay in full or in parts, and if anyone does not wish to pay, that will also be accepted. Moreover, this centre will not accept any charity, donation or grants from any quarters, instead will function from the revenue generated from their other establishments,” said Khan.

The various departments that will look after the well-being of the special children includes therapies in child development, behavioural, speech, audiology, occupational, and autistic. The centre will be headed by former vice-chancellor of the Kerala Health University M.K.C.Nair.

Source: IANS

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