“I was always a topper in my school. I had my notes picture perfect and I was a model student. But my daughter is just the opposite — incomplete notes, complaints of day-dreaming from her teachers and almost total disinterest in studies. She doesn’t care for extra curricular activities either. Every evening, homework time […]
Minu Sarin was a Mom who loved books. And both her children — Veena (6) and Ashutosh (10) — loved them too.
Minu always found it a challenge to afford all the books she bought. She did not want to spend too much. So she started the ’10-book Club’.
I recently met a mother who is waging regular battles with her daughter. Her 14-year-old daughter wants to go out with friends and hang out at malls as do most teenagers.
But given the deteriorating law and order situation countrywide, her parents refuse to allow her to go anywhere unaccompanied. Her mother fears the dangers […]
Do you know a child who wants to learn but can’t afford school? Or a child who has a hard time doing her homework because her parents are illiterate? Your family could help teach such children! This way your children will discover the joy of helping others.
Increasingly, school, homework, television and computers conspire to keep children indoors. Here are some ways to get kids outdoors for activity and vitamin D.
Host a photography contest. Give your children and their friends an outdoor theme, and prompt them to take some good photographs.
Organise a nature search. Make a list of things that can […]
Restaurants serving multinational cuisine are popping up all over the place, and can help your family savour foreign delicacies in your own city. It’s a good way to get your kids off junk food and fast food joints. Here are international dishes you could try at home.
I’m tired of listening to my 11-year old daughter’s complaints. She is forever comparing the extravagance of her classmates and what they buy with large sums of money. We don’t believe in celebrating birthdays at fancy restaurants or buying expensive gadgets to keep up with the Joneses. I don’t know how to keep her happy.
If you have been attending ʻWhat kind of parent are you?ʼ quizzes, you are like most parents who are not sure if they are exercising good parenting. Parenting can sometimes be a difficult balancing act. Most parents don’t seem to know whether they are doing it right.
Friends or parents?
Children too want democracy and […]
Bananas contain a lot of fibre, and help fight constipation. They are also high in potassium, and good for kidneys, bones, heart and nerves.
Milk gives kids the calcium they need for growing bones, and also contains protein and vitamins, aiding growth and strength. Children need two-three glasses of milk every day. If they […]
By the time he comes home from school, my son is tired though he eats a good lunch. He gets home at 4 p.m. in the school bus. As a result, he is in a bad mood for one-two hours after coming home. I am sure lack of food is the main reason. How can […]
Store some chopped dates (preferably Arabian) in a box. Any time you want, spread peanut butter on brown bread, add chopped dates to make a sandwich. You can have a nutritious meal ready in two minutes! Serve with a slice of watermelon or apple.
Baby potatoes
Pressure cook baby potatoes and get a family member […]
Parenting 24×7 is a full-time demanding job. While we manage the myriad chores while getting through the day, there are several casualties like our health, sleep and marriage, which could easily take the back seat.
Therefore it’s time to step back from the roles of SuperMom or SuperDad and work towards a better life-parenting balance.
You might not be able to make that dream vacation to the Alps, but there are other ways to treat your family to some out-of-the-world stuff. Find some exotic ice-cream flavours for them to sample. At the same time, drive home the point that such desserts are a rare treat, only to be consumed […]
Every home experiences days when children don’t want to go to school. Morning battles are difficult to handle. Try these options:
An energising snack of fruit or nuts before breakfast.
Small rewards kept ready for good behaviour.
A chart listing things to be done in the morning, including brushing, bathing, and eating. Stars can be rewarded every day […]
My daughter is five and usually loves school. But after every weekend or holiday, she refuses to get back to school, and I have a hard time persuading her. I know it’s a common issue, but it’s a pain. Any solutions? — R.S.
This problem is not unique to children. Adults also suffer ‘Monday morning […]
Do you suspect your child is a slow learner? You could be wrong. She might be good at some tasks and not in others.
A slow learner is distinctly different from a child with a learning disability. A slow learner learns everything that is expected of her, and is capable of attaining milestone development norms, […]
Is your house child-proof? If you are a parent who’s worried about safety of children, you probably have done some amount of child-proofing, especially in the early years.
Making your house child-enabled is the next step. Childproofing keeps the environment safe, but a child-enabled home provides opportunities for learning and exploration.
It’s shocking but true. India has more than 1 million children with Type 1 diabetes, according to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). With childhood obesity pegged at 50 percent in metros, Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes among children is also rising alarmingly.
Given the large quantities of fried and packaged foods our children consume, their […]
You probably have a half-filled pastel-coloured baby record book with early photographs of your tiny tot. But what about the following years and their memories? You might have many digital photos that never got sorted or printed.
There are many other precious bits of your child’s life that you are likely to want to remember. […]
1. Walking. Get some exercise together and slow down for chats and to watch morning birds.
2. Jogging. Burn fat together
3. Swimming. Everyone enjoys splashy fun.
4. Playing ball. Getting sweaty for a good game is always a pleasure.
5. Shuttlecock. This provides exertainment!
My son feels left out of the ‘gangs’ at school. How do I help him cope?
Find out why this is happening. Is he new to the school, or is he very different from those he wants to be friends with?
Share your childhood experiences of being left out and explain that it is not because […]
Ever wonder how Archimedes got his ‘a-ha’ moment while lounging in a bathtub? Or how Newton unravelled the secret of gravity while dozing under an apple tree? If recent research is to be believed, it may well be because the wandering mind is fertile ground for creative problem solving! The findings of several separate […]
Tired of giving in to your child’s demands and ‘bribing’ your child? If you have fallen into the trap of bribing your child so much that she will not help you with any chores unless you promise to buy her some goodies, it’s time to change the transactional interface.
If you have a child, you are likely to have many toys, games and books strewn around the house.
You might have spent hours browsing and choosing, reading labels about how educational a toy is, or how it can build your child’s IQ. Or, you might have a shelf of birthday gifts and well-used toys […]
T here once was a man, a decent sort, who wanted to become a prophet, change the world and make people behave in a nicer way. But every time he opened his mouth, people either yawned or sidled away, or worse still, teased and needled him. The few that listened, misrepresented his teachings so […]
Everyody these days knows that learning is a lifelong process. But consciously have you thought of learning with your child? Learning together can give you both deeper insights and a rich bonding experience. With many calls on your time, especially time with your child, it makes good sense to attempt to learn together. Here are […]
My child often doesn’t understand what her teacher teaches in class. What should I do?
Before you confront the teacher, you need to do some homework yourself. Find out if your child doesn’t like a particular subject. Most kids who dislike a subject end up closing their ears however well the teacher teaches. Or […]
When confronted with a child’s fear, we often attend to it cursorily and push it out of our minds. But it’s useful to remember that your child’s fear is very real and she lives with it day in and day out. Therefore it’s important to spend time, thought and discussion to putting her fears […]
Having a family Declutter Day once a month helps the whole family. Get every member of the family to sort through their things and collect clothes, toys and other objects they want to throw or give away. They can be brought to a common area. If other familly members would like to use any of […]
We all want our children to be all-rounders. Teacher’s pet, the most popular kid in class who aces academics with ease and shines in extra-curriculars as well.
But is it really so important to be an all-rounder? What about introverted inventors who gifted hundreds of inventions to the world? What about school drop-outs whose art […]
Why should children play? Simply because play is the work of childhood. Play helps children learn better, retain learning and enjoy the process. Play teaches children to reason, use logic, plan, work with others, sometimes lead, sometimes follow, to win or lose and to shake hands and make up after a contest.
Children’s saftey is a hot button subject in these perilous times. All parents need to talk about body awareness with their children. Here are some basic child safety precautions all parents must observe.
Speak frankly
Tell your child that some people can touch us in ways we don’t like. Some people also hurt us by […]
My son behaves perfectly well at school and in the presence of others, but at home, he throws tantrums, talks rudely, and behaves badly. He bullies his little brother and screams while he sleeps. I want this situation to improve.
D.K, New Delhi
The fact that he has a younger sibling may be influencing your […]
While sibling rivalry is common and natural, it’s not something to be ignored. Parents can’t assume that children will automatically grow out of it.
Deep-seated resentment and jealousy could well extend into adulthood, affecting relationships in the family. There are many case histories of adult brothers and sisters fighting over property, business, and other issues.
Hers was a typical upper crust family living in a plush neighbourhood, with typical upper middle-class biases. Because they had been posted abroad a few times, they considered themselves more Angrez than Hindustani. They spoke to each other only in English. Their maids were made to wear stiff nursy uniforms. They ate Continental food, […]
The recent rape of a 11-year-old girl child in a school in Delhi allegedly by senior students, has outraged and shaken the confidence of the community of parents countrywide.
But while sexual safety awareness, personal safety videos and guidelines can help, they need to be supplemented by parental vigilance and guidance.
There was once a lady — simple and straightforward — who thought good and did good without contemplating twice about it. When their guru visited them, she asked him how she could better herself. “Prayer is the most important form of worship,” he pontificated. “You must offer benediction to the Creator daily without fail.”
My six-year-old is usually reluctant to attend school. He doesn’t tell me why. He looks scared at times when I ask him why he doesn’t want to go. I fear his teachers are being too harsh on him. What do I do?
Such behaviour could be related to classroom problems with teachers, students, bullies, or […]
Rainbow-coloured butterflies flying brilliant blue skies, flitting on the wall. Flowered pillows resting on pastel bedsheets. Children’s room decor can be pleasing, with a plethora of options to choose from. And it can be expensive.
Instead with some imagination, you and your kids can create your own decor to match any mall display. Not […]
“Will these children ever stop arguing?” you groan for the umpteenth time. Just face it. You can’t eliminate sibling rivalries altogether. But you can get them to work for you. Try these ideas:
1. Use their competitive spirit. Organise a contest to see who can make their play area/ room the tidiest in half an hour. […]
Tara Sarna, Grade XII Student at The Sriram School, Moulsari and Founder, Youth for Youth, a student organisation for empowering youth. In an increasingly complex .....Read More
Reshma Ravishanker Intensifying their opposition against the proposal to merge nine universities with parent institutions in Karnataka, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) called for a .....Read More