In a heartwarming sight, the nationwide chain of Treehouse schools welcomed Kindergarten students to a new academic year with open arms. Brimming with joy in their freshly pressed uniforms and backpacks, the little ones bonded with friends and teachers as they bid their parents goodbye on their first day in school and entered their well-equipped and colourful classrooms. Kids were also gifted smiley balls to keep them upbeat throughout the day.
The Treehouse chain of schools is well-known for its personalised modules, trained educators, innovative teaching materials, inclusive environment, stringent safety protocols, hygiene standards and infrastructure tailored to the needs of children. At the Kindergarten level especially, teachers are trained to focus on the holistic development of the children and nurture their linguistic and numerical development, their social skills and their emotional and physical well-being. Ensuring a conducive environment for growth and learning is the first priority of Treehouse educators.
As the academic session began this year, all through the day, the classrooms buzzed with enthusiasm, engaging activities and interactive lessons as teachers familiarized the students with their home away from home.