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JEE preparation is today one of the toughest challenges in a student’s career path. Moreover, this year, there have been some changes introduced in the exam pattern for JEE Main with the newly constituted National Testing Agency (NTA) conducting the exam instead of CBSE. The examination mode has become purely computer based and the exams are conducted twice a year.

With the second session of JEE Main exams set to commence from April 7, 2019, the aspirants will again have to follow a strict schedule to ensure that they do not miss the ship before it sails!

Speed, consistency and discipline, become the most important attributes students must develop and improve during this crucial phase. Self-study is as important as classroom teaching and an average of at least 5 to 6 hours of study everyday is the only key to success. Another mistake most of the students make is not asking or clarifying their doubts after self-study resulting in many problems in their preparation.

To make life easy for the students, here are some last minutes Do’s & Don’ts for their preparation:


  • Practise the subjects that you are strong in with extra zeal. Make them your strength to achieve a higher score.
  • Strengthen your weaker subjects. Divide your time well and work on the topics that you were unable to cover due to board exams.
  • Divide the entire course into parts and complete each part in a fixed span of time.
  • Revise the subjects and topics that you have not done in the recent past due to class 12 board exams.
  • Mock tests: Practice the previous question paper on a daily basis. Spend extra time to work on the questions you are unable to attend. Analyse your mistakes and work on them.
  • Spend good time to solve numerical questions on a daily basis for all key subjects – Maths, Physics and Chemistry.
  • Clear your doubts on a regular basis.
  • Choose a coaching institute near your place to reduce travelling, stress and time.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses topic wise and subject wise.


  • Never pile up your doubts.
  • Do not refer to many books on a single subject.
  • Do not refer irrelevant books under the influence or suggestion of your peers.
  • Do not devote too much time to a single topic.
  • Never write the test without proper time allotment to each section.

One week before exam

By now, students would have studied and revised all topics/subjects and done a thorough analysis of their weakness and strengths by taking a number of mocks both topic wise as well as subject wise. This is not the time to learn anything new but to consolidate what one has already learnt. Focus on revision of important formula steps, assumptions, should be on top of the mind of the aspirant. It becomes essential that the student, basis his own analysis and experience, develops a mindset and confidence of deciding which subject to start with in order to get maximum right answers. They should eat healthy and practise meditation to manage stress and maintain calmness.

The author is Saurabh Kumar, director Academic- Vidyamandir Classes Ltd. 

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