Source: Dr. Prasanna Rao, Pediatrician, VPR Clinic, Chennai
Common lifestyle habits
What you can encourage/ do
Problems avoided
Early to school without breakfast, barely enough time to use the toilet
Never skip breakfast. Try wheat bread, fruits and and veggies.
Constipation, ulcers
Pressure from teachers, peers and parents
Prepare an organized study schedule. Don’t pressurize the children; motivate them
Stress, depression
Letting children snack out in the school canteen, on instant foods
Pack home-made food, with minimal oil sugar
Obesity, food allergies, stomach infections, digestion problems
Eating full packs of biscuits, junk food, packaged foods, aerated soft and/or packaged juices.
Offer fruits, home roasted nuts. Serve packaged foods only once a week
Obesity, diabetes, hypertension
Video games/ television
Restrict time for such activities and insist on daily outdoor play
Tired eyes, neck and back pain
Study under pressure from stressed-out parents
Minimise parent and peer pressure
Stress, low confidence and self esteem
Late nights and partying
Regulate and ration late nights by encouraging family activities
Insomnia, sleep deprivation
Also read: Nutri-choices for your child