Dr. Snigdha Samanta is consultant neonatologist and pediatrician at Rani Hospital and Research Centre for Children, Ranchi. She also heads the first and only Human Milk Bank in Jharkhand
My three-year-old daughter insists on sugary treats. Please suggest ways to maintain dental hygiene and prevent cavities.
My 14-month-old son is underweight. How can I help him gain healthy weight?
— Niharika Sinha, Mumbai
It’s important for parents to provide balanced diets including nutrient-rich foods to ensure infants receive adequate calories, vitamins and minerals necessary […]
I want to teach my children effective hygiene practices to prevent infections, especially in school and during public outings. Please advise.
— Mou Mondal, Kolkata
Teaching children effective hygiene practices is crucial, especially in densely populated areas where the risk of infection is high. Here are some recommendations based on pediatric […]
I have met some parents who are against vaccination. They advocate theories that promote natural immunity, and express reservations against vaccine safety. Please advise if vaccines are safe for children.
— Mithila Nagarajan, Hyderabad
In recent times, there’s conflicting information especially on the Internet and social media about vaccination, and […]
My son is six years old. I’m not sure he is getting enough physical activity. We live in Mumbai and it’s impossible to find safe outdoor play spaces. Please advise.
— Vineeta Sharad, Mumbai
Unfortunately, in India’s ill-planned crowded cities especially the metros, there’s a deficit of safe public outdoor […]
By -Dr. Nithin M is consultant neonatologist and paediatrician, Motherhood, Bangalore
We live in Delhi where air pollution levels are very high. To what extent will this affect my six-year-old child’s health?
— Manik Chander, Delhi
The air in the national capital is so polluted that one in every three children […]
My son is eight months old. What are the most common signs of developmental delays in infants, and when should parents seek medical advice?
— Lara Singh, Chandigarh
Child development milestone charts provide good benchmarks. But remember, each child is unique. One might be faster in […]
My children (six and ten years) are glued to the computer tab until late in the night. How do I get them off screen devices and promote healthy sleep habits?
— Shifa Sood, Mumbai
Normalisation of screen media devices in the bedroom has resulted in children suffering sleep deficit. […]
What are the symptoms of food allergy/ intolerance in children? How can we prevent and treat them?
— Meera Jeet, Bangalore
Food allergy is an abnormal immune mediated response of the body to certain foods such as milk, peanuts, egg, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy etc. Even a small […]
I’m a working mother. Breastfeeding my baby is practically difficult when I need to work long hours. How important is breast milk for an infant’s development?
— Shireen Mandara, Bengaluru
Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for infants for these reasons:
It provides all the nutrients necessary for a new-born’s physical growth […]
How do I know when my infant is ready to eat solid foods? Please advise.
— Garima Goel, Delhi
According to the Dietary Guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Indian Academy of Pediatrics, children should not be introduced to foods other than breast milk or infant formula until six months […]
My five-year-old loves eating noodles, pasta and pizza — all of which are made from unhealthy refined flour — and shuns fruits and vegetables. How do I help him develop good food habits?
— Meenakshi Kiran, Bengaluru
You need to make efforts to include locally available nutritious foods in your son’s diet to promote his orderly […]
My four-year-old is a picky eater. It’s a challenge to get her to eat well. Please advise.
— Laavni Bhat, Mumbai
Healthy balanced nutrition is critical for young children’s orderly physical growth and development. Here are a few recommendations on how you can address the fussy eating habits of your child.
Dr. Swapna Priya is a Hyderabad-based dermatologist
My son often develops skin rashes, especially during seasonal changes. What are some general tips for maintaining healthy skin for children?
— Janani Babu, Bengaluru
You can follow these simple tips to prevent common skin problems such as dryness and rashes.
Ensure your child is well-hydrated, as adequate water intake […]
My five-year-old son loves junk food and processed snacks. He especially loves chocolate biscuits. How can I motivate him to eat healthy food?
— Reshmi Kiran, Mumbai
As toddlers transition from early childhood, parents are confronted with the challenge of controlling children’s consumption of fast food and processed snacks. In metro […]
My seven-year-old daughter drinks very little water, although she plays outdoors for two-three hours every day. How can I inculcate the practice of drinking water through the day in her?
— Lavanya Krishna, Chennai
Encouraging your daughter to develop the habit of drinking water at regular intervals is crucial for her overall health and well-being. She […]
I have a 12-year-old daughter who is healthy and has taken all her scheduled vaccines since birth. My doctor’s clinic has a poster about a cervical cancer vaccine. I’m not sure whether this vaccine is necessary for my daughter. Please advise. — Leena Jaiswal, Bangalore
The vaccine for cervical cancer, known […]
My five-year-old son suffers from constipation and indigestion. Please advise.
— Kyra Agarwal, Bengaluru
You can address digestive problems in young children through dietary modifications. My suggestions:
Fibre-rich foods. Include fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in your child’s diet. Fibre prevents constipation.
My five-year-old son catches a cold infection very often. And while the cold goes away in a week, the cough lasts for four-six weeks. Should I consult a doctor?
— Jigna Kumar, Hyderabad
Your son’s frequent colds and prolonged cough needs medical attention. While colds are common in young children, a persistent cough lasting four-six weeks […]
I was blessed with a baby girl yesterday. I notice that I am secreting only a few drops of breast milk. I’m worried this may not be sufficient to feed my infant whose birth-weight is below normal.
— Shereen Vijay, Chennai
Soon after delivery, progesterone levels dip, causing stimulation and secretion of prolactin hormone by […]
For the past one week, my three-year-old daughter has been running a mild to moderate fever at night. I searched on Google, and it seems the symptoms point to typhoid. Please advise.
— Shilpi Ravindra, Hyderabad
I strongly urge you and all parents to desist from turning to the Internet for medical diagnosis of children’s […]
My 4.8-year-old daughter has excess body hair, especially on her back and upper portion of the hand. Please advise. — Shiny Thomas, Trivandrum
Hirsutism or excessive body hair in children could be due to several reasons. Consult your paediatrician, she will decide if the hair growth is appropriate for her age. If not, she will […]
My 12-year-old daughter weighs only 29 kg. I have tried different diets but it has not helped. However she is active and healthy. How can I help her gain weight? — Vanya Agrawal, Bengaluru
Your daughter weighs approximately 17-18 percent less than what is expected of a child her age. Include protein-rich foods such as […]
My six-year-old son has dust allergy and suffers symptoms such as red eyes, sneezing and runny nose. Please advise. — Himani Sharma, Mumbai
He may be suffering atopy wherein one displays allergic symptoms pertaining to different body systems. In his case, it could be allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Avoid dust exposure or known allergy triggers. Also […]
My children love playing outdoor games but I’m worried about them playing in the hot summer sun. How great is the danger of dehydration and sunstroke? — Priyanshi Dutta, Mumbai
Prolonged exposure to sun/heat can strike children down with dehydration and sunstroke. The best ways to prevent them are to encourage children to wear light coloured […]
Young woman teacher and little boy on private lesson
My five-year-old son doesn’t talk properly. When he was three, he started saying a few words such as ‘Ma’ and ‘Papa.’ But since then not much. However, he understands what we say and responds. Is this normal?
— Rima Das, Mumbai
My two-year-old daughter is not willing to eat fibre-rich food and consequently suffers constipation. Please advise.
— Vandana Shankar, Mumbai
Infants fed only soft or semi-solid foods often experience difficulty adjusting to food that needs chewing. But it’s important to introduce her to different types of food. Introduce new foods when she is hungry. You can also […]
My seven-year-old daughter suffers from asthma. Is it okay for her to play sports, especially athletics?
— Shyama Dutta, Mumbai
Children and adolescents with asthma can play sports as long as the illness is well-managed and under control.
However endurance sports should be avoided. Also skip outdoor workouts when pollen or mold counts are high […]
My eight-year-old daughter is unable to sleep for long hours at night. How can I improve her sleep? — Smita Dasgupta, Bengaluru
To improve her sleep, you need to restrict strenuous physical activity one-two hours before bedtime, and stop her consumption of caffeine and aerated sugary drinks. Also limit television watching, playing video games […]
My seven-year-old daughter bites her nails. Is this habit harmful to her health? How can I stop her?
— Mishika Patel, Bengaluru
Nail biting typically begins in childhood, and can cause sore skin and tissue damage, and in some cases, a bacterial infection known as paronychia. But in most cases it is harmless. Almost half of […]
My eight-year-old daughter loves eating chocolate. This has led to teeth decay. Should we restrict her from eating chocolate? — Shilpi Khanna, Pune
Bacteria in the mouth feed on the excess sugar of chocolate, turning it into acids, which cause dental cavities. It’s advisable to restrict her from eating chocolates for some time. […]
My son has just started in-person schooling. But with the onset of the monsoon, he is catching colds frequently. What precautions should he take? — Hitika Ravi, Hyderabad
With the reopening of schools and onset of monsoons, common cold infections among children are on the rise. Symptoms include mild fever, rhinorrhea, watery […]
My seven-year old daughter is not getting enough sleep. I try to get her to bed early but she doesn’t sleep before 11:30 pm. Is this a case of childhood insomnia? — Nithin Joseph, Trivandrum
Childhood insomnia is rare. I suggest you make some lifestyle changes. If she tends to sleep in the afternoon or late […]
My three-year-old son hurt himself while playing and has broken his front tooth. Will this create complications in future? — Tina Shah, Mumbai
Whether he has a broken tooth or suffered trauma, first and foremost, don’t panic! The damage needs to be assessed — the extent to which the tooth has been damaged, and if it […]
My toddler looks thin and sick but he is healthy. My relatives are constantly pestering me to force him to eat more than his appetite demands. They are also pressuring me to introduce him to a diet that will increase his weight. Please advise. — Kamala Mou, Delhi
My ten-year-old daughter has suddenly developed gluten allergy. She doesn’t have any other allergies. Should I cut out gluten foods completely from her diet or try to reintroduce them after three-four months?
— Sarah Thomas, Bengaluru
Gluten allergy or gluten sensitive enteropathy is also known as celiac disease, the severe form of which is diagnosed […]
My 11-year daughter attends two-hour football coaching classes five days per week. On days when she has her menstrual periods, she doesn’t want to go for practice. Is it advisable to do strenuous exercise and sports training during menstruation?
— Ruchi Saha, Bengaluru
She can do any form of exercise during her periods as long as […]
My daughter has developed white patches on her face. They are about half cm in diameter. I’m applying coconut oil which is known to heal fungal and other infections. How long should I wait before consulting a dermatologist?
— Rima Banerjee, Mumbai
Though an accurate diagnosis can be made only by a dermatologist after examining her, […]
My eight-year-old son complains of stomach pain after eating biscuits or cake. Otherwise, he has no stomach trouble. He is a healthy child with normal eating habits. Could he be allergic to some food ingredients?
— Mouna Mondal, Kolkata
Packaged biscuits and cakes contain refined wheat flour (maida), preservatives and artificial colouring. Preservatives cause allergy in […]
My seven-year-old son suffers severe constipation, often relieving himself once in three days. He has a normal diet. Please advise. — Vaishali Meenakshi, Chennai
By definition, constipation is not passing stools daily; straining and/ or passing hard or pellet-like stools. It’s one of the most common causes of recurrent abdominal pain […]
Career counselling is becoming an essential service for students seeking guidance for their academic and professional pathways. Moreover, as per the report by Gradding, 64.8 .....Read More
Ashish Munjal – Co-Founder and CEO, Sunstone For many generations, Indian students have chased a common dream to earn a degree in a popular domain .....Read More