While proteins are essential nutrients for all, they are especially important for the optimal growth and development of children and adolescents. Yet, despite its ‘building block of life’ status, children worldwide are not getting adequate protein. Global research indicates that one in seven school-age children is protein-deficient – Kiran Balimane & Cynthia John
To a nation with education and economy in the doldrums, India’s 10-25 million gifted children offer hope of inventing and innovating sock-it-to-’em killer products and services that will leapfrog the country to the forefront of the global economic development race – Sridhar Rajagopalan, Swarnali Chakraborty, Nagendra Mopada & Summiya Yasmeen
Monitors of India’s laggard K-12 education system are almost unanimous that India, which hosts the world’s largest child population of 350 million under 15 years of age, has a snowballing problem of rising social media addiction among children, especially urban adolescents – Baishali Mukherjee
Traditionally the start of the globally dominant Gregorian calender New […]
The Unified District Information System Plus Report 2023-24 provides a vast volume of data relating to primary, secondary and higher secondary schools. Yet infrastructure deficiency, child drop-out and retention data project a disturbing picture – Dilip Thakore
India’s eager-to-learn school children: disturbing drop-out and retention data
The Unified District Information System for Education Plus […]
In our special New Year cover story, we suggest ways and means for families to quit ubiquitous bad habits and develop new healthy, life-enriching lifestyles – Kiran Balimane & Cynthia John
Traditionally the start of the globally dominant Gregorian calender New Year is the time for making new resolutions and new beginnings. People worldover […]
Most educators agree that if used carefully and intelligently, AI has massive potential to radically impact education by improving teaching practices and student learning outcomes – Ditsa Bhattacharya & Summiya Yasmeen
Last March, edtech company Maker Labs installed India’s first artificial intelligence (AI) teacher robot named Iris in the KTCT Higher Secondary School, Thiruvananthapuram to “redefine […]
The dominant belief is that the benefits of playing sports and games are limited to boosting fitness, strength and stamina. But that’s one side of the coin. On playing fields, children also develop leadership, teamwork and resilience — invaluable personality traits for success in industry and the professions. – Kiran Balimane & Cynthia John.
In this year-end issue we continue our tradition of celebrating early childhood care and education by ranking the country’s best preschools to enable parents to select aptitudinally most suitable pre-primaries for youngest children. A second objective is multiplication and upgradation of ECCE institutions countrywide through healthy competition , writes Summiya Yasmeen
There seems little awareness that the most vulnerable segment of the population to seemingly unstoppable air pollution, is India’s children. Their still-developing lungs inhale more air relative to their size than adults, resulting in absorption of greater concentrations of pollutants. Exposure to toxic air causes respiratory infections, asthma, and developmental delays, which can cause lifelong […]
Advertising driven supplements of mainstream media and social media posts of ideal families are intensifying pressure on couples to become perfect parents. As a result, parental burnout, a relatively new phenomenon, is sweeping households worldwide – Kiran Balimane & Cynthia John.
At a time in global history when dimly perceived phenomena such as […]
PROBE Report. In early January 1999, a team of eminent educationists including Anita Rampal, Anuradha De, Jean Dreze and Shiva Kumar, released the Public Report on Basic Education 1999 focused on rural primary education. For the first time, it exposed the deep rot in public primary education in the populous Hindi heartland states (Bihar, Madhya […]
For the past 25 years your editors have persevered to track, record and constructively criticise lackadaisical initiatives of the Union and state governments to raise teaching-learning standards in pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education which were — and are — lagging far behind global norms – Dilip Thakore & Summiya Yasmeen
New thinking is that Generation Alpha needs parenting that amalgamates traditional and new parenting styles. Consequently, child psychologists and experts are propounding new-age parenting styles to nurture precocious children in the new VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world
-Kiran Balimane & Cynthia John
Not many parents are aware that like there are haute couture […]
Last month (September) in Part I of EWISR 2024-25, we featured league tables rating and ranking over 3,000 day schools. In this issue we present national, state and parameter league tables of boarding schools (co-ed, boys and girls), international (day, day-cum-boarding and wholly residential), vintage legacy, government, special needs, philanthropy and budget private schools.
Offering pure, unpolluted air and excellent academic, co-curricular, sports and games facilities, while considerably reducing the stress and strain of latter-day parenting, co-ed boarding schools are experiencing a surge of popularity within upper middle and elite classes.
Pinegrove, Dharampur’s AJ Singh: happiness quotient USP
“We are delighted to have regained our #1 rank which had slipped to #2 last year. Since then, we have worked hard to improve and excel under all EW survey parameters. Beyond that, our students have confidently participated in the Global Young Scholar Talent Search and LogiQids Higher Order Thinking tests introduced by EducationWorld […]
In multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-lingual India, all-girls schools — especially boarding schools — discharge a very valuable nation-building duty. They thoroughly school girl children who for reasons of patriarchy, household conservatism and religious injunctions would have been prevented from accessing quality primary-secondary education.
Scindia Kanya principal Nishi Misra: model institution reputation
The league table of sufficiently high-profile boys boarding schools has been shrinking year by year. This shrinkage has been attenuated by sub-division of the boarding schools league table into ‘legacy vintage’ schools
TDS headmaster Dr. Jagpreet Singh: beyond curriculum
All-boys boarding schools are an endangered genre. The league table of sufficiently high-profile boys […]
“It’s wonderful to learn that All Saints has been voted India’s #1 legacy girls boarding school in the prestigious EW rankings. This recognition was long overdue. Spread over 36 acres in Nainital, we are one of the country’s most well-reputed all-girls boarding schools. In All Saints, we are not content to merely provide rigorous […]
“It’s a matter of immense pride and joy that Government Model, Chandigarh has been promoted to India’s #1 state government school. This is the result of the dedication, hard work, and vision of our entire school community. I am especially pleased with our top score for teacher welfare and development because we regularly conduct […]
“We are thrilled that BCS is ranked India’s #1 legacy boys boarding school by EducationWorld, a market leader institution. This is acknowledgement of the entire school community’s efforts to continuously improve under all parameters of K-12 education excellence. Last year, BCS became a Cambridge International, UK-affiliated school, and now offers students the CISCE […]
In EWISR 2024-25 in the broad international schools category, the fastest growing segment is that of international day schools because they provide globally benchmarked teaching-learning at relatively affordable prices compared with capital-intensive international day-cum-boarding and fully residential schools.
“It’s a dream come true to be ranked India’s #1 special needs school with top scores on four of ten parameters of special needs education excellence in our golden anniversary year. For this, credit must be given to our dedicated teachers and therapists who are awarded highest score under the individual attention to students […]
“This valuable award is a monument to the steadfast devotion and diligence of our whole school community and a reward for our joint efforts to deliver high-quality education at reasonable price. It is also a testament to the dedication of our teachers who have created a school environment in which every child can develop […]
“We are very proud that RMS, Bengaluru has been promoted from India #5 last year to India’s #1 government boarding school this year. I attribute this promotion to well-defined objectives, emphasis on character development, values education, goals setting, efficient resource allocation and utilisation, and our management’s receptivity to innovation. Our visionary leadership, reflected […]
Sprawled across capital-intensive campuses on the peripheries of populous metros and rising cities, offering superb academic and sports facilities, day-cum-boarding schools affiliated with offshore exam boards are becoming popular within the country’s fast multiplying upscale households.
TISB students: overdue recognition. Inset: Dr. K.P. Gopalkrishna
International day-cum-boarding schools are sui generis. Affiliated with offshore exam […]
“We are delighted to be ranked India’s best Central government day school for the third year in succession with top scores for teacher welfare and development, co-curricular and sports education. This reflects not only our academic achievements but also our dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with the values and life skills required for […]
“We are thrilled to be ranked India’s #1 legacy international residential school by EducationWorld for the fifth year in succession. The stability and longevity of schools in this category give credence to their blend of heritage and innovation that lead to outstanding education provision. In this 170-year-old school, we have developed and maintained consistently […]
“We are delighted to be ranked India #1 in our competitive new category of international residential schools. This is the outcome of the sustained efforts of our excellent faculty and students, and particularly vision of our Chairman Dr. Chenraj Roychand who believes that a genuinely holistic curriculum is necessary to nurture leaders and […]
“We are delighted to be ranked India’s best Central government day school for the third year in succession with top scores for teacher welfare and development, co-curricular and sports education. This reflects not only our academic achievements but also our dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with the values and life skills required for […]
When children start learning together from young age, male children in particular, learn the virtues of empathy, respect and gender egalitarianism from their early years. Therefore it is a sign of progress that the league table of co-ed day schools — of sufficiently high repute to be ranked — is the longest in EWISR 2024-25 […]
This year the field interviews and market research have been conducted by the Bengaluru-based AZ Research Partners which over the past two decades has established an excellent reputation for rigorous market research for clients in India and abroad
Even though public K-12 education in post-independence India was foolishly neglected by omniscient central planners and shallow […]
“I am delighted that CAJCS has succeeded in maintaining its #1 position. I attribute our consistent top rank to the hard work and commitment of our heads and teachers who ensure that our standards of excellence are not only maintained but constantly reinforced and improved. We are one of few schools to offer curricula […]
Usually sited in green belt peripheries of India’s ill-planned metropolitan cities, day-cum-boarding schools are popular with high-income households in road-traffic choked metros. Moreover they are invariably co-educational, sparing siblings pain of separation.
“I am delighted that Daly College has retained its #1 ranking in the prestigious EW special category of vintage day-cum-boarding schools. I have been principal here for just over two years and several new initiatives that have been introduced are proving very successful. To improve under the critical parameter of teacher competence, apart form […]
In a still largely conservative and patriarchal society where gender discrimination is rife, for cultural, theological and safety reasons, a sizeable number of parents prefer to enrol their girl children in all-girls school.
Neera Singh (centre) & RKKGPS students: motivational top rank
Even though the majority of newly promoted schools in the country […]
“This is great news. We are delighted that St. Mary’s School, Pune has retained its #1 rank as India’s and Maharashtra’s #1 vintage girls day school. It provides a sense of fulfillment for all the effort that our teachers and staff have invested in sustaining our growth and development over the past year. We […]
With most schools promoted in the new millennium being of mixed gender and some vintage all-boys schools going co-ed, the league table of boys schools is static at 30. Nevertheless some all-boys institutions enjoy king-size national reputations
Campion, Mumbai’s Dr. Francis Swamy (centre left): second rank stimulus
“This top rank awarded to St. Mary’s, Mazgaon after I was appointed principal following 17 years service in rural areas of Maharashtra , gives me great joy and satisfaction. I am immensely grateful to the Lord that he has blessed our school with a great team of teachers and staff. This wouldn’t have been […]
Vidya Mandir Sr Sec School, Mylapore, Chennai students: academic reputation #1
To compile the 2023-24 league tables of day schools — co-ed, boys, girls and day-cum-boarding — 18,928 respondents comprising parents, principals, teachers and senior students were persuaded to rate them under 14 parameters or attributes. On the reasoning that there is more […]
Congress leader Sonia Gandhi on Monday slammed the Modi government's education policy, alleging its core agenda is centralisation of power, commercialisation and outsourcing of investments .....Read More
A class 9 student was found hanging in her room in Uttar Pradesh's Pratapgarh district after she was allegedly denied permission to appear for her .....Read More