Apart from high-quality globally benchmarked academic education, international day-cum-boarding schools provide day scholars access to excellent co-curricular and sports education infrastructure that residential schools build for boarders. Therefore they are becoming increasingly popular
Within the upscale, elite category of international schools affiliated with offshore school-leaving examination boards, day-cum-boarding schools offer students the best of both worlds. […]
For upper class households that prefer their children to grow up at home and then move to residential colleges and universities, a new genre of international day schools, which offer academic education on a par with the very best boarding schools, has mushroomed in post-liberalisation India
Unlike haute bourgeoisie households in the UK and increasingly in […]
The biggest upset of EWISR 2020-21 is the toppling of The Doon School, Dehradun, ranked #1 since 2007, from its premier podium position in the boys boarding schools category
Although gender segregated schools are increasingly going out of fashion in the new age of women’s lib and equality, some of India’s vintage all-boys boarding schools sited […]
Although in the new millennium the majority of greenfield primary-secondary schools tend to be co-ed, there is no shortage of children applying for admission into the country’s all-girls boarding schools offering thoroughly contemporary all-round education. Here are India’s best girls boarding schools 2020-21
Worldwide, and 21st century India is no exception, gender segregated primary-secondary schools are […]
Suddenly gender segregated schools have fallen out of fashion. Co-ed boarding schools have become cooler and more stylish, not least because they implicitly teach boys good drawing room manners and gender egalitarianism. Here are India’s top-ranked co-ed boarding schools 2020-21.
Once upon a time gender-segregated boarding schools — especially boys boarding schools such as St. Paul’s, […]
In this edition, we present Part II of EWISR 2020-21 featuring league tables rating and ranking the country’s most reputed Boarding Schools (co-ed, girls and boys), International Schools (day, day-cum-boarding and fully residential) and also the most respected Budget Private Schools – Dilip Thakore & Summiya Yasmeen
The ill-wind of the Coronavirus global pandemic which has […]
In progressive schools and households across the country, teens are being encouraged to find the time, drive and energy to turn their ideas into business plans and real-life businesses. This new tribe of ‘kidpreneurs’ are promoting innovative start-ups and simultaneously learning valuable business and life skills that will enable them to succeed in evolving workplaces […]
To compile the 2020-21 league table of dedicated special needs schools, C fore field personnel interviewed 485 parents of children with disabilities and special needs educators in six cities. They were asked to rate dedicated schools on ten parameters of education excellence
According to Unesco’s State of the Education Report for India 2019 — Children with […]
Although the best among the Central government’s 636 JNVs dominate the government boarding schools league table, some state governments have replicated the Centre’s JNVs initiative to establish excellent boarding schools – Paromita Sengupta
Although the country’s 1.20 million government schools defined by crumbling buildings, primitive infrastructure, AWOL (absent without official leave) teachers and abysmal learning outcomes, […]
In EWISR 2020-21, the two-year reign of the Delhi state government’s Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya, Sector 10, Dwarka, which sensationally ended the dominance of Central government-run Kendriya Vidyalayas, has ended – Paromita Sengupta
The Covid-19 outbreak and isolation which has forced closure of 1.4 million anganwadis (government-run child nutrition and early childhood education centres), 60,000 private […]
The seven-year reign of Campion School, Mumbai in the all-boys category has ended. This year the 11,368 sample respondents have voted St. John’s High School, Chandigarh #1 by a three points margin
One of the few success stories of post-independence India is gender egalitarianism — at least within the 200 million-strong great Indian middle class. Although […]
This year’s 11,368 sample respondents have voted Carmel Convent, Chandigarh India’s premier girls day school with top scores under the parameters of co-curricular education, infrastructure, value for money and community service
The 2020-21 league table of India’s top-ranked girls day schools has experienced a sweeping makeover. The vintage JB Petit High School for Girls, Mumbai […]
The country’s steadily multiplying older day-cum-boarding schools are being given stiff competition by newly promoted capital intensive globally benchmarked institutions which offer children in the country’s fast growing cities day and boarding options at attractive price points.
When day schools acquire good reputation for providing excellent education or boarding schools in fast-growth tier-II and tier-III towns […]
That the largest league table in the annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) is always of co-ed day schools is socially positive testimony that despite the daily horror stories of sexual violence visited upon women and girl citizens, Indian society is determinedly moving forward towards the constitutional goal of gender parity. This year the co-ed […]
Disruption of the academic calendar by the global Covid-19 pandemic necessitated deferment of the much-awaited EducationWorld India School Rankings 2020-21 to November. Nevertheless this year’s EWISR — for which 11,368 sample respondents were interviewed in 28 cities — is as robust and uncompromising as previous C fore-EW surveys – Dilip Thakore & Summiya Yasmeen
With India emerging as one of the major hotspots of illegal narcotics trade, the number of drug users in the country has spiralled, particularly over the past decade. And given India’s demographic profile, the most damaged are children and youth – Archana N, Mini P & Cynthia John
The mega Rs.20.97 lakh crore Covid-19 economic aid package announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 12, provided tax breaks for small businesses, incentives for domestic manufacturing and free foodgrains for the poor. However, it totally ignored the pandemic-battered education sector – Summiya Yasmeen
The raging Covid-19 pandemic has pushed Indian education into a state […]
With pandemic-related anxiety having become pervasive, people of all ages are developing diverse coping strategies to beat prolonged stay-athome blues. In this specially curated cover story, the PW editorial team presents enjoyable DIY activity options for children and parents – Archana N, Mini P & Cynthia John
Against the backdrop of pervasive confusion about the character and role of private schools in the national development effort, this detailed unprecedented report demolishes widely disseminated myths of Left liberal academics and shallow media about private K-12 education – Dilip Thakore
The new National Education Policy 2020, presented to the nation by Union education minister Dr. […]
Emotional meltdowns, mood swings, and anger outbursts are becoming more frequent within cloistered households, coterminously with rising incidence of domestic violence, child abuse, murder and suicides – Cynthia John, Archana N. & Mini P.
Ludhiana. Seven people have been murdered in Ludhiana district by family members including husbands, wives and children in home isolation since the […]
Formulated after an interregnum of 34 years and crafted over four years following recommendations of two high-powered committees, the new education policy aroused great expectations. But NEP 2020 is an amalgam of high rhetoric clouded by implementation uncertainty because of its conspicuous failure to make a clean break from bureaucratic control-and-command – Dilip Thakore
Impassioned debates about the efficacy of the online learning model, online pedagogies, cyber safety, adequacy of screen time and effects of excessive digital gadgets usage on children’s physical and emotional well-being are raging in the media especially social media, WhatsApp groups and Zoom meeting rooms – Jayalakshmi Vaidyanathan, Mini P. & Cynthia John
With the Covid-19 pandemic and national lockdown forcing mass closure of education institutions, several state governments have issued circulars directing private school managements to defer/ waive tuition and other fees during the lockdown period. Moreover, some state governments such as Karnataka, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh have issued notifications prohibiting private schools from conducting online classes […]
In the thick of the unprecedented economic disruption following the ongoing national lockdown prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic, India’s powerful 20 million strong politician-bureaucrat brotherhood steeped in socialist dogma, seems to have discerned an opportunity to deliver a hammer blow to private education – Dilip Thakore
The country’s 375,000 private unaided schools, an estimated 400,000 budget […]
Parenting in lockdown era – PW presents advice gathered from psychologists and parenting experts on ways and means parents can empower children to cope with the rigours of the Covid-19 national lockdown and the summer holidays which will prolong the at-home period of children to early June and July, if not longer – Cynthia John, […]
Indian education system has been devastated by the national lockdown prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The onus of reviving KG-Ph D education has devolved upon tried and tested institutional leaders – Dilip Thakore & Summiya Yasmeen
On March 25 when a national lockdown was decreed by prime minister Narendra Modi following outbreak of the novel coronavirus […]
Although India’s top-ranked private B-schools can’t be blamed entirely given the tight policy framework within which they ave had to operate, the country has paid a heavy price for poor quality business management education – Dilip Thakore
If one takes post-independence India’s unimpressive national development record — for over 40 years until India’s notorious neta-babu controlled licence-permit-quota […]
With an estimated 32 percent of the country’s students in higher education enrolled in government universities, the annual EW India Higher Education Rankings 2020-21 has introduced separate league tables rating the country’s 150 most reputed government universities – Summiya Yasmeen
Although since the dawn of the new millennium when several state governments began liberally legislating promotion […]
Ab initio, your editors have accorded special importance to private institutions of higher learning. We believe private universities with investment and reputations to lose, are more likely to provide rigorous, globally benchmarked academic, research and life skills education
In recent years privately promoted universities, particularly new genre, globally benchmarked liberal arts and sciences undergrad colleges modelled […]
Against the backdrop of none of India’s 935 universities ranked among the Top 200 of the authoritative Times Higher Education World University Rankings, we present league tables ranking the country’s best private and government universities separately – Dilip Thakore
Notwithstanding incrementally futile protests and grumbling of left leaning academics busily engaged in dispensing obsolete pedagogies and fixed […]
To compile the EW India Private Engineering Colleges Rankings 2020-21, 150 field representatives of the Delhi-based Centre for Forecasting and Research Pvt. Ltd interviewed 1,063 faculty, 1,368 final year engineering students and 423 industry representatives countrywide – Summiya Yasmeen
Engineering education in India is facing an unprecedented over-supply and graduate unemployability crisis. During the past five […]
The paradox of India’s multi-layered structure governing higher education is that some of the country’s most admired undergrad colleges, which should have been awarded academic autonomy decades ago, are tied to the apron strings of their affiliating universities. These colleges are ranked separately in EWIHER 2020-21
Even in the 21st century, India’s higher education system is […]
It’s a sobering reminder to a nation being swayed by antiminority rhetoric that four of the Top 5 private autonomous colleges are institutions promoted by various orders of India’s minuscule Christian community
In these troubled times when the damage inflicted upon the economy and society by the rampaging coronavirus aka Covid-19 is being compounded by […]
It’s important to note that among (state) government promoted colleges countrywide, autonomous institutions enjoy special standing and privilege by virtue of their UGC conferred autonomous status.
Since 2018 when EducationWorld introduced its inaugural EW India Arts, Science & Commerce (ASC) Colleges Rankings, we focused on rating and ranking private colleges. However this year, on the advice […]
To create level playing fields, in this issue we present EW India Higher Education Rankings 2020-21 ranking private autonomous, government autonomous and Top 100 non-autonomous colleges separately on five common parameters of collegiate excellence – Dilip Thakore
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of post-independence India’s failed national development effort is that even the brightest and best of […]
Psychologists the world over are warning that chronic parental stress can lead to burnout with disastrous consequences for children – Jayalakshmi Vaidyanathan & Mini P.
“Parental stress is a distinct type of stress that arises when a parent’s perception of the demands of parenting outstrip his or her resources.” — Carina Coulacoglou & Donald H. Saklofske (Psychometrics […]
Against the backdrop of gathering clouds of gloom and despair that have blanketed the economy, the best option of the finance minister was to batten down the hatches, cut unproductive expenditure and invest in developing the country’s abundant and high-potential human capital. Unfortunately, this option wasn’t availed – Dilip Thakore
On February 1, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman […]
Around the world and specially in deeply patriarchal countries such as India, single — divorced, widowed, unmarried or single by choice — parents, especially women, are judged harshly and stigmatised for their personal, marital and parenting choices – Shreya Iyer
For Mumbai-based Nandini Chakravarty (45), brand strategist at a local start-up, ending an abusive marriage and starting […]
To compile the league tables of India’s Top 300 budget private schools, C fore field researchers interviewed 2,458 BPS teachers and SEC (socio-economic category) C, D and E parents with children enrolled in budget schools countrywide. They perceptually rated BPS in their states and cities on 11 parameters of school education excellence.
Despite the country’s 400,000 BPS schooling a staggering number of 60 million children, they are anathema to the establishment including the academy. However, your editors believe BPS provide poor households a preferable alternative to dysfunctional government schools and should be celebrated. Here are the EW India Budget Private School Rankings 2020 – Dilip Thakore
Rajasthan Education Minister Madan Dilawar attributed student suicides in the coaching hub of Kota to factors like "love affairs" and stressed the importance of parents .....Read More
Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, has condemned the rising incidents of exam paper leaks, describing them as a tool to strip .....Read More