India’s higher education sector is adrift. Resource inadequacy, quality deficit and policy opacity are ruining our 35,000 undergraduate colleges and 700 universities. Although some of these institutions — especially the universities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras — were established in the 1850s, not even one Indian university (IITs included) has ever been ranked among the […]
Uniquely among the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) countries, India has a competitive advantage. Not only in the education sector, but also in the world of employment, with a potentially beneficial fallout for India’s balance of payments.
Every nation across the world is stronger, more vibrant and attractive if it is able to […]
FOR THE country’s 228 million school-going children, the imminent summer vacation offers numerous opportunities to explore, learn, read and absorb supplementary and experiential education, which is at best sporadic during school terms. It’s a good time for children to enrich their school curriculums by learning important life skills such as leadership, public speaking, conflict resolution, […]
As the new academic year approaches, schools are planning and budgeting for big-ticket purchases in preparation for the next year. This is a good time for school managements to pay heed to emerging trends in 21st century education to avoid investing mega bucks in technology which is cumbersome, expensive and on the threshold of obsolescence.
One of the major drawbacks of India’s school education system is its over-emphasis on classroom learning. Excessive focus on formal instruction persists despite widespread awareness within parent and teacher communities that what we learn in school is soon forgotten, while a great deal of significant learning takes place outside structured classrooms. For instance perspectives, attitudes, […]
By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man — body, mind and spirit — Mahatma Gandhi
Once upon a time, the Indian subcontinent was the global epicentre of education. The world’s first university established at Takshashila in 700 BC offered close to 70 subjects including languages, grammar, philosophy, medicine, surgery, sports, […]
The deluge of ninety percenters that routinely follows in the wake of class X and XII board examination results declared in May, highlights an urgent need for close assessment of India’s school system. Having had the privilege of studying in India and in the West, of becoming a schoolteacher by choice, and of teaching in […]
India’s low ranking in international literacy league tables reflects a gross betrayal by the Central and state governments, bureaucrats, principals and teachers of the lofty national “each one teach one” mission announced way back in 1988. Clearly, the country’s children are not getting the education they deserve.
The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) […]
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has— anthropologist Margaret Mead (1901-78)
-Dr. Neeraja Raghavan
In two days I met a host of people. in my mind’s eye, I saw the railway guard blow his whistle and wave the green flag: and wondered how […]
“Don’t ask silly questions”, “don’t try to be smart”, “you are too much”, “don’t eat my head”, “don’t question elders”, “just do what you’re told”, “you are like a question mark”. Drawing from memory, these are examples of dismissive statements which are commonplace in school classrooms. In India’s 1.30 million schools, questions are an irritant […]
A report in the Canberra Times late last year (December 5) disclosed that India has overtaken China and Britain to become the largest supplier nation to Australia’s skilled migrants programme, accounting for 15.7 percent of the total. According to Kate Lundy, federal minister for multicultural affairs and sport, India contributed 29,018 skilled migrants to Oz in the […]
Within academia and among K-12 educators there’s a general consensus that new types of learning are necessary for success in the contemporary world. A world in which information is instantly available, but critical and creative thinking skills are required for students to excel at the highest level. However, at what age should ‘new era’ learning […]
Media reports and comments on the rising incidence of cybercrime make me very uneasy. As principal of a school, I believe it’s my moral responsibility to ensure our students are empowered by professionals to challenge and combat cybercrime, writes Jayshree Venkatraman
A welcome recent development was a multi-school cyber crime awareness programme conducted by Quick Heal, […]
When Nelson Mandela, freedom fighter extraordinaire, humanist and free South Africa’s first president described education as “the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”, he wasn’t exaggerating. There’s universal unanimity that education is the panacea for all socio-economic problems. It is synonymous with progress, civilisation, quality of life and potential. It’s the […]
The world of education has grown and expanded exponentially into diverse areas. So have institutions and facilities. But it’s important to remember that sound foundations of young minds are best laid in pre-teen and teenage years. Therefore the school years are a very crucial period in every child’s life. Infrastructure and other facilities in a […]
Our country has never been in such a flux and turmoil as it is today, with Indian society at the crossroads. The public is unsure about which path to take, and the nation is facing an identity crisis because of deteriorating values.
The easy solution is to blame government, as most people do. But there’s considerable […]
The passage of the Right to Free & Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (aka RTE) and its substantial validation by the Supreme Court marks a historic epoch in terms of renewed emphasis on education as a development driver of the nation. But closer scrutiny of the current state of affairs also indicates the low point from […]
In a society and era in which single-minded pursuit of academic grades and excellence usually precludes all co-curricular education, learning music is often regarded as an unnecessary luxury, even a waste of time.
In the overwhelming majority of K-12 schools across the country, students are highly focused on the academic domain. Therefore it’s important to correlate […]
Special education for gifted children is an idea which is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. In our neighbourhood — Singapore, China, Korea and Thailand — dedicated schools for gifted children are mushrooming. Worried about well-trained youth from such special schools taking the best jobs from Americans, some states within the US have also legislated in favour […]
Whether seen from the viewpoint of nation-building or the perspective of an on-the-ball school principal, it makes good long-term sense to invest in high-quality teachers who add value to students, attract funds and perhaps even endowments.
Based on a synthesis of 500,000 studies of student achievement in the United States conducted by Prof. John Hattie, […]
Within Indias 5 million-strong school teachers community, there is an urgent need to acknowledge Mother Nature as the greatest teacher and to learn from her example. She speaks not a word in any human language, and yet everything in Nature inspires humanity to seek and learn, engendering awe, mystery, and an enthusiasm for uncovering the […]
Child and teen suicides are increasingly hitting headlines in newspaper dailies and national magazines. Concern, consternation and distress have been the response of right thinking people. Are these one-off incidents sensationalised by the media or is this trend truly reflective of the malady of our times?
Disaggregated data from epidemiological research clearly demonstrates that the average […]
Reshma Ravishanker A day after the Central Board of Secondary Examinations (CBSE) issued a new draft policy on class X board exams 2026 that led .....Read More
Ronita Torcato American streaming media outfit Netflix has partnered with India's Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to float a contest offering students the chance to .....Read More