Hamsa Padmanabhan (16), aclass XI student of the Central government’s Kendriya Vidyalaya School, Pune has bagged three prestigious international awards for her physics research project. Her 15-page research paper, titled ‘Physics of a simple prototype for static magnetic levitation’, won the $1,500 (Rs.67,500) second prize at the Grand Awards of the Intel International Science […]
The first Young Filmmakers Festival held in Toronto recently brought more than applause and appreciation to young Anshul Khosla, a class IV student of Mumbai’s St. Dominic Savio School. This articulate nine-year-old won the Best Script award for his docu-drama Love Changes Everything, which was screened at the inaugural Young Filmmakers Festival. Anshul did a lot […]
Jyoti Iyer (16), winner of the ClassMate Young Author Contest 2004, (CYAC) sponsored by cigarettes, hotels and agri-products behemoth ITC Ltd and adjudicated by a jury led by Ruskin Bond, believes that the best writing comes from the heart. “If you are honest, it will show in your work. It will shine through.”
She created aviation history following her appointment as the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) first lady air traffic controller in 1996. She is a national level badminton player, a lawyer and runs India’s first and only all-woman CNG filling station in New Delhi’s tony Shantipath area. That’s retired flight lieutenant Mukti Srivastava who loves to live […]
Food 4 Thought Foundation collaborated with Cyient Foundation, the CSR arm of Cyient Ltd. (a global Intelligent Engineering services company), Monocept Consulting and Emesco Books .....Read More
In a significant move aimed at improving the educational system, the Odisha government has announced that the minimum age for enrolling in Class-1 will be .....Read More