The Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls’ School (MGD), Jaipur is a girls’ day-cum-boarding school. MGD is affiliated with the New Delhi based Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and boasts a student strength of over 3000 girls of which about 350 are full time boarders.
The school was promoted by late Rajmata Gayatri Devi of Jaipur in August 1943 with the objective of providing a progressive, liberal education to girls, at a time when the tradition of purdah was prevalent in Rajasthan. The school was the first all-girls school to be established in the state of Rajasthan and started with 24 girls and Lilian G. Lutter as its founder principal.
The school is managed by the MGD Girls’ School Society which functions through a board of governors, headed by Rani Vidya Devi of Jaipur.
The school campus sprawls over 26 acres on the Sawai Ram Singh Road, in the heart of the city. The campus hosts purposefully constructed modern buildings housing the academic and administrative blocks, an indoor stadium, an open-air stadium, infirmary, bank, well equipped laboratories, a dining complex, and dance and music halls. Other facility offerings at MGD campus include a canteen, a tuck shop, a telephone booth, two tennis courts, a swimming pool, a basketball court, and hockey and cricket fields.
The school library features a collection of more than 28,600 books including fiction and reference books.
The school mess comfortably seats 450 students at a time and serves wholesome and well-balanced vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals.
MGD is affiliated with CBSE and offers education to girls from class I through XII. It prepares students for the All-India Secondary School Examination (AISSE) and All India Senior School Certificate Examinations (AISSCE) at classes X and XII respectively. The medium of instruction is English and classes I to V follow the XSeed curriculum of iDiscoveri.
Classes IX and X follow the curriculum prescribed by CBSE. In class IX, the students can opt between Hindi, Sanskrit or French as the second Language.
Believing that holistic education transcends beyond the classroom, MGD encourages students to engage themselves in a plethora of extracurricular activities such as debates, informal discussions, field trips, inter-class and inter-hostel meetings, and teacher student meetings, inter-house sports championships such as athletics, basketball, swimming, running and judo competitions.
Archana S Mankotia (principal and ex-officio secretary)
For applying for registration, applicants are required to fill the online registration form accessible at and submit in the office with relevant documents before the last date. This is followed by a verification of documents by the school and an interaction with the candidate.
For admission to class I, the applicant must be registered with the school and admissions are done strictly by draw of lots. The minimum age for admission to class I for the academic session beginning April is five plus years.
Admission to other classes is dependent on the seat availability and candidates are required to appear for an entrance exam and a personal interview. Admission to class IX (boarders only) takes place on the basis of performance in the entrance test for English, science and mathematics
Fees: The fee is structured differently for day scholars and boarders.
Registration fee Rs. 1000/- (payable at the time of taking reg. Form only)
Admission fee Rs. 10200/- (payable at the time of admission only)
Caution money Rs. 10000/- ( ” )
Fee structure for boarders
Registration fee Rs. 1000/- (payable at the time of taking registration form only)
Admission fee Rs. 10200/- (payable at the time of admission only)
Caution money Rs. 30000/- ( ” )
The school was the first all-girls school to be established in the state of Rajasthan, promoted with the objective of providing a progressive, liberal education to girls at a time when the tradition of purdah was prevalent in Rajasthan.
The school is managed by the MGD Girls’ School Society which functions through a board of governors, headed by Rani Vidya Devi of Jaipur.
MGD offers comfortable residential facilities to its staff; the students are divided in six hostels according to the House they are in.
There is a separate building for residential teachers called Nivedita.
The school has a big dining hall which has a capacity of serving 400 girls and teachers with best quality food at a time. The school has also provided the facility of on campus salon to the girls of higher classes as it believes in the overall grooming of students.