Jobs in Education System

Mexus education’s student Icons of India

August 30, 2012

Twelve class IV-X children were adjudged student Icons of India at the national finals of iKen Scientifica 2011-12, organised by Mexus Education in Mumbai between Feb-April. They will represent India at the international finale where they will compete with students from ten participating countries. Based on the premise that “every child is a born genius”, iKen Scientifica is a unique competition which provides class IV-X students a platform to showcase their innovative ideas and projects based on scientific theory and concepts througgh hands-on learning techniques.

Designed to nurture “scientific approaches to life”. iKen Scientifica offers Indian youth a platform to ideate, innovate and compete globally. The annual national competition is designed to provide an altenative learning environment which stimulates students to develop scientific tempers and mindsets. iKen Scientifica comprises four rounds: city, state and national levels followed by the international finale.

“It offers a complete curriculum on design and technology – a curriculum designed to stimulate youth to approach problems with creative, inventive bents of mind, a conspicious lacuna in school and collehe education,” says Saurabh Saxena, director Mexus Education.

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