In the Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh, a distressing incident unfolded at Green Bells School in Budhar town, situated approximately 22 km from the district headquarters, leading to the arrest of an English teacher and the school director. The arrest followed allegations that a 12-year-old Class 7 student had been physically assaulted for raising a religious slogan.
According to Sanjay Jaiswal, the in-charge of Budhar police station, the English teacher identified as Abdul Wahid reportedly subjected the student to physical violence after he chanted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ on the school premises. The student, upon experiencing the assault, informed his family members, who, in conjunction with local residents, promptly approached the police to report the incident.
Subsequently, a case was registered against the teacher, Abdul Wahid, and the school director, Shakeel Niyazi, invoking sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) such as 153 (provocation leading to riot), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), and 500 (defamation). Additionally, charges under the Juvenile Justice Act were included.
The prompt response by the authorities resulted in the arrest of both the teacher and the school director. The case underscores the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the need for swift action to ensure the safety and well-being of students within educational institutions. The incident has raised concerns about the responsibility of educators and administrators to provide a secure and nurturing environment for students, free from any form of discrimination or violence.
Source: PTI
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