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N L Dalmia High School: Creating self-confident life-long learners

ParentsWorld December 2019 | Spotlight Feature

N L Dalmia High School

“Education is the movement from darkness to light……Tamsoma Jyotirgamaya.”

The management and staff at NLDHS take pride in providing an exciting atmosphere for learning at the preprimary level. We believe each child is capable of experiencing the highest possible level of success. This is possible through the dedication and commitment of the faculty, parents and students who work together as a team to provide the children with the opportunity to develop into selfconfident life-long learners who will live and thrive with diversity and interdependence.

The student-teacher ratio which is maintained at all levels, allows for personal attention and individualised instruction to be given to each student through differentiation. Student-centric teaching methods are the cornerstone of delivery of our curriculum, which is designed utilising a backwards-planning model of Understanding by Design.

Thus, project-and-play-based learning have been made essential in the early years at pre-primary to develop creative learning dispositions during the brain’s most active period of synaptic growth. A marble rolls down a ramp, and children cheer as it reaches the target they have adjusted numerous times. A seed planted in a small tea cup germinates, kidney beans and chick peas in bottles make different sounds……….

NLDHS is enthusiastically determined in improving student learning outcomes and providing teaching approaches that meet the needs of all students; not just in words but in our actions. Our goal for each learner is to create curious individuals who think and relate well to others…by

• Offering meaningful learning experiences

• Developing growth mind-sets

• Supporting each learner

We pride ourselves in making learning visible. Learning progressions are displayed in ‘learner friendly’ language to help our learners know: how am I going?,…. where am I going?,… and where to next?

By making learning and progress visible we empower both our learners and their parents.

We believe that our students are the hope of tomorrow and we are dedicated to helping them become confident, eager learners. Our learning experiences are balanced; we know that children benefit from guided learning balanced with their play which is also their work! Their happiness and confidence is evident in all they do.

Our daily instructional experiences address all of the learning domains of young children: social-emotional, cognitive, oral language, preacademic, motor and creative skills. Throughout their school day, we view children’s ability to express themselves, solve problems and gain information as essential to their development.

We offer high-quality care and exceptional education to young children by providing a stimulating, supportive, challenging, and integrated learning experience that sets a strong foundation for the elementary years and beyond. A dynamic curriculum is implemented daily by our dedicated and knowledgeable teachers and staff that are committed to lifelong learning, professionalism, observation, and purposeful teaching. All classrooms are designed with each child in mind, allowing each child the opportunity to actively engage in learning through creative play, discovery, and exploration.

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