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Nagaland: Rio calls for creating quality assets

June 13, 2013

On June 11, a workshop of the engineers of the government departments in Nagaland emphasised the need to have quality control in all the developmental works and educational sectors in order to create assets for welfare of the people.

Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio speaking during the one-day workshop on Quality Control, said that it would be worthless spending huge amount of developmental funds if quality assets were not created in the state.

He called upon the government departments, contractors and the general public to fully utilise the Nagaland Public Works Department (PWD) Code 2012 towards creating quality assets in the state.

Rio said the Nagaland Government was hopeful that with the regulation of the NPWD Code 2012 and the setting up of the Quality Control Board (QCB) in the state would help improve the working conditions as well as the terms and conditions of the government with engineers and contractors.

He also said that the state government had constituted QCB and came about with the NPWD Code 2012 to give quality workmanship and creating quality assets for the state.

Stating that the markets in the state and country were flooded with sub-standard, duplicate and inferior materials, he said that it is quality we want in everything and not just quantity.

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