
NCERT study: Grade 3 students in Karnataka better at language, struggle with math

Karnataka over 60000 missing admissions

A recent study conducted by the National Council of Education, Research and Training (NCERT) has found that grade 3 students in Karnataka do well in English but struggle with math.

The study which has been conducted to establish a baseline for the ministry of education commissioned the NIPUN Bharat mission campaign.

The study assessed 86,000 students from 10,000 central and state government, aided, private schools. In Karnataka, the study found that just over half of the class 3 students who were surveyed could do division and barely a quarter of them could do multiplication.

The study assessed students’ language and numeracy abilities. Under the foundational literacy, a child’s ability to read, phonological awareness was among the factors taken into account while for foundational numeracy, identification of numbers, basic numerical calculations such as multiplication, addition, division were tested.

The study found that 98% students could identify all letters correctly while 866 % students could comprehend texts. 33% students also had superior language skills.

In mathematics, however, just 62% students could read numbers below 10,000 right while just around 60% students could add numbers upto three digits.

Just over half (55%) students could study time while just close to 60 % students understood the measure. 

Also read: Countingwell’s State of Math Learning report 2021

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