Jobs in Education System

NEP 2020: SCHOOL EDUCATION | ECCE: Teacher Training

August 6, 2020

Teachers training 

1. Those Anganwadi workers/teachers with qualifications of 10+2 and above shall be given a 6-month certificate programme in ECE; and those with lower educational qualifications shall be given a one-year diploma programme covering early literacy, numeracy and other relevant aspects of ECE. These programmes may be run through digital/distance mode using DTH channels as well as smart phones. The ECE training of the Anganwadi workers/teachers will be mentored by the Cluster Resource Centres of the School Education Department who shall have at least one monthly contact class with the Anganwadi teachers for continuous assessment.

Early childhood care and education Teachers training 

2. Special attention given to employing local teachers and female teachers especially in disadvantaged areas and areas with large pupil-to-teacher ratios, or high rates of illiteracy – with . At least one teacher per class/grade and a pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) of under 30:1, will be ensured at the level of each school; socio-economically disadvantaged areas will aim for a PTR of under 25:1.

Early childhood care and education Teachers training 

3. In the longer term, State Governments shall prepare cadres of professionally qualified educators for early childhood education, through stage-specific professional training, mentoring mechanisms, and career mapping. In order to generate demand for ECCE among all stakeholders-, including policymakers, parents, teachers, and community members-, large-scale advocacy shall be undertaken. Necessary facilities will also be created for the initial professional preparation of these educators and their continuous professional development.

Early childhood care and education Teachers training 

Read: NEP 2020: SCHOOL EDUCATION | ECCE: Curriculum and Pedagogy

Also read: NEP 2020: SCHOOL EDUCATION | ECCE: Infrastructure 

Also read: NEP 2020: SCHOOL EDUCATION | ECCE: Change in academic structure

Also read: NEP 2020: SCHOOL EDUCATION | ECCE: Change in governance

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