My son is very creative but I feel his school curbs his creativity. For example, in the art class, he loves experimenting with colours. But his teacher insists on his following textbook prescribed colours.
This situation can recur in different contexts — while executing projects, in art class, planning presentations, and other occasions.
You could teach your child to fit in with the teachers requirements, while at the same time satisfying his own creativity. He can do this by doing parallel work himself. This requires serious motivation, but can provide the creative outlet your child needs.
For example, if the teacher wants a display on planets made in a specific way, your son can try it. At the same time he can delve deeper into the subject by doing research, and then executing his own display in a different way. He can draw ideas from crafts and art work done in school, and create new ones at home, alone or with friends. Provide an adequate platform for these parallel projects by setting up a display case in your house, or creating a Facebook page where his work can be displayed.
Use this opportunity to help your child discuss the issue with the teacher, and compromise if necessary.
Sparking creativity
Step 1: Try to discover the special intelligence of your child — every child is creative in a different way.
Step 2: Be a sounding board for discussion of new projects, new ideas and explore creative options.
Step 3: Encourage good effort and creativity, not just achievements.
Step 4: Look out for tutorials or books to help build creative skills in your child’s area of interest.
Also read: What does your child want to be?