
Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Anshu Singh

Online parenting Summit (OPS) 2021 elaborates on various methods of parenting, a celebration of parenthood. The summit helps to reboot parenting and develop a friendly relationship between parents and their children. The concept of OPS is to create an impact on parents and their parenting styles. OPS aims to touch the universe and beyond, impact every generation that may come further. Until now, people practiced parenting in their own traditional ways but OPS tries to bring in modern ways in which one can make parenting experience much more fun yet unique.

Here is the story of Anshu Singh, mother of Aashriya Singh, who talks about her journey as a parent.

I’m a proud mother of Aashriya Singh. She is my 10-year daughter and we live in a family of four. We live in Bangalore and my parenting experience is a bit different. I feel every step and every moment after your baby is born makes you proud and everything becomes special. My child is also growing up in a very healthy environment which is quite different from mine. The way I was brought up is very different from how we are bringing our children up. Parenting is a continious experience and we grow with it. Time has helped me evolve and have also taught me plenty of new things.

I have experienced an optimistic world of parenting and it is thrilling to have an online platform like the EducationWorld and Online Parenting Summit that helps one understand parenting. 

My realization of healthy and effective parenting was when I was hit by Covid-19. Initially, I was scared as to how my family will manage in these critical times. I felt like my life was falling apart. But I realized that losing hope at this point would make the situation worse and I stood strong. My daughter took care of everything. She looked after herself and my ailing mother. She gave medicines to her, kept her entertained when I was all locked up.

This was the moment when my heart was filled with pride because we shared a bond of love and care. Moreover, I am a working woman and working from home with kids is not an easy job. In the beginning, it was quite challenging but then my daughter started making efforts. She analyzed the situation around her and made adjustments in her lifestyle. Expecting all of this at the age of 10 seems blue right?

I realized that my daughter is much more mature than I thought her to be. She is aware of her surroundings and environment. I remember when I was a child; I did not have this sense of maturity. I would like to share an instance where my daughter was aware of the fact that the next day is Mother’s Day and around 11:30 p.m. she approached her dad asking for a cake. This was during the pandemic and the city was under lockdown. To be honest, she made a biscuit and jam cake which was adorable. It was delicious than a cake. That was one of the best moments that life gifted me.

My daughter has complete freedom. I do not keep an eye on her 24×7 like a WebCam instead let her enjoy her life to the fullest. This does not mean that there is no discipline involved. I believe that having discipline in our lives can help us stick together and manage things from falling apart. Today, it’s almost been a year since this Covid situation and I am glad that I gave her all the freedom and space to flourish. Many people think that giving freedom would spoil their child, but this is not true. I gave her all the freedom but I did not let technology and unnecessary elements take over her life. Instead, we shared quality time, cherish memories to create a strong bond.

I follow a calm parenting method. I let them be who they want to be. Being a mom, I realize that it is very difficult yet important to create a family bonding. This is because we are now digitalized and children keep glued to their mobile phones playing games or chatting with friends. They do not realize the value of love, affection and bonding unless and until you make them realize.

Online Parenting Summit is an incredibly an amazing platform, which helps you get to know about what parenting is. How do you manage yourself initially after bringing a parent? How do you consume all the roles to the fullest? It brings in insight as to how you can manage different spheres of your work and ways to bring up your little one? If you are keen to know the answers, be a part of the summit.

Through the summit, you will learn and experience stories of other parents, who have evolved from the blooms. I, being a parent to my 10-year-old daughter request you to understand the roots of parenting and make your parenting journey unique by registering at

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article are personal, and not necessarily reflect the views, thoughts, and opinions of EducationWorld.

Also Read:Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Shaheen Budani

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