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Online parenting Summit (OPS) 2021 elaborates on various methods of parenting, a celebration of parenthood. The summit helps to reboot parenting and develop a friendly relationship between parents and their children. The concept of OPS is to create an impact on parents and their parenting styles. OPS aims to touch the universe and beyond, impact every generation that may come further. Until now, people practiced parenting in their own traditional ways but OPS tries to bring in modern ways in which one can make parenting experience much more fun yet unique.

Here is the story of Pooja Goyal, who talks about her journey as a parent.

ops-pooja goyal

My name is Pooja Goyal and I have two kids, Devansh Goyal, who is seven years old and Navya Goyal, who is five years old. My parenting journey started years ago and all I can say is that it has been very exciting and joyous. During the initial years of my parenting, there were no platforms that could help me understand different methods of parenting but now we have Online Parenting Summit. Of late, I have realized that taking care of kids is not an easy task. Before the pandemic, things were stable. But now things have changed. I can now understand the troubles that my parents took while bringing me up.

My kids have been very supportive throughout my parenting journey. I remember a moment when my daughter wiped my tears and kissed me when I felt low and broken. It touched my heart and blessed my soul. I would love to share a good habit of my daughter-she plays all the time and then returns to me saying that she wants to study. She is quite focused and aware of what she has to do. There are some things that I avoid in my parenting style. Firstly, shouting and scolding is something I refrain from. Secondly, I do not want my kids to stay away from me at any point in time. All I can try is to equally love them with all my heart.

One of the proudest moments as a mother was when my daughter got a study excellence award in her tuition classes. My glowing heart had wings that day. My kids and I share a very beautiful relationship. And after the pandemic, we have got much closer. I spend more time with my kids, involve myself in their day-to-day activities, and teach them new things.

I am interested in being a part of the online parenting summit, 2021 especially because of my son. For me, it is very easy to handle my daughter as she listens to me but my son does not. Maybe, this summit can help me find a better way of parenting by which I can get control of my kid. At this tender age, it is essential to teach him good manners and basic reasonability.

If you are also interested to be a part of this conference, register yourself!

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article are personal, and not necessarily reflect the views, thoughts, and opinions of EducationWorld.

Also Read: Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Shailaja Mohan

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