
Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Shrutika Lonawat

ops-shrutika Jain

Online parenting Summit (OPS) 2021 elaborates on various methods of parenting, a celebration of parenthood. The summit helps to reboot parenting and develop a friendly relationship between parents and their children. The concept of OPS is to create an impact on parents and their parenting styles. OPS aims to touch the universe and beyond, impact every generation that may come further. Until now, people practiced parenting in their own traditional ways but OPS tries to bring in modern ways in which one can make the parenting experience much more fun yet unique.

Here is the story of Shrutika, who talks about her journey as a parent.

My name is Shrutika and I am a mother to two adorable and beautiful girls, Hiya and Kiara. Hiya is seven years old and Kiara is six years old. I live in a Marwari joint family in Kolhapur. My parenting experience was quite different as my kids grew up in a joint family. From a very nascent stage, they have learnt to live with others, enjoy spending time with people of the family. I am grateful for an amazing bond that has been created over the period. Usually, it’s quite difficult to handle things in a joint family but I must say mine has never let me down. In today’s time, it is very crucial to have a sense of care, love and a family bonding. I managed to go through the modules of the Online parenting Summit 2020 though I couldn’t attend one. But this time I am very curious to attend the Online parenting summit, 2021.

Handling two daughters at a time might be a difficult job but the pandemic ensured that everything was calmed down. I taught them how to stay calm in every situation and this could only happen when I try to stay calm. It is usually said that children learn what parents do and hence we tried to implement staying calm ourselves and yes, this pandemic has made us better. Speaking about the pandemic, my husband was tested Covid positive. My daughters were kept in another house. They lived responsibly and used to call their dad daily and ask about his well-being. I remember my kids saying, “Don’t worry about us, we are fine.” It is hard to imagine how an young kid can be so responsible showing care, love, affection.

Did you know why my parenting style was different from the others? I never even thought of hitting my child, which is a quite traditional ideology. People think that hitting your child can mould them into what their parents want, but it’s contrary. Hitting your child makes them feel unimportant, alone and impacts their growth. And, I don’t want my kids to hate me any time in their life. This technique has helped me a lot. My daughters are very compassionate towards me. My elder daughter is just a mother to my younger one. She teaches her how to spell words, how to eat and basic etiquette. I am so blessed to have such wonderful daughters in my life, and I can’t be more thankful for it. I and my daughters share a very friendly bond, they tell me and everything about their life.

When I was parenting my daughters, I did not have a platform that could help me figure out the right way. I learnt it all by myself or my family helped me. But now I am so glad and grateful that we have the online parenting summit, 2021 which can help me a lot in future. I am in a joint family; it becomes very difficult to manage roles hence I am looking forward to finding a solution in the summit. Having some parenting methods which are better than the traditional ones would also be interesting for the upbringing of my daughters. I would love to give them the best upbringing and hence learning more about parenting could be the best idea. Moreover, the summit is online and hence a cherry on the top.

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The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article are personal, and not necessarily reflect the views, thoughts, and opinions of EducationWorld.

Also Read: Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Shailaja Mohan

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