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Every year, lakhs of candidates compete in the RBI Assistant examination. This year applicants are fighting for 926 vacancies making it highly challenging in nature. Due to high competition, time constraint and the difficulty level of the exam, one must utilise their time strategically and ensure consistent efforts for each section. 

The general awareness section is considered to be the most scoring section, comprising of a vast syllabus. To achieve your desired result, you must put in consistent effort and hard work in a planned manner.  

To help you in your endeavour, we have curated a strategy to ace General Awareness section of RBI Assistant Mains 2020.

Understand the scope of the syllabus 

After carefully going through the paper pattern, syllabus and the type of questions asked in the examination, you must analyse the syllabus and segregate it accordingly. As per our analysis, the syllabus and questions can be divided into 3 categories i.e.

  1. Financial, Economic and Banking Awareness 
  2. Current affairs (includes news related to Reserve Bank of India)
  3. Static GK

Out of the 3 categories, maximum questions are asked from current affairs therefore we can judiciously divide our efforts across the categories.

Making notes

There are numerous ways of compiling notes for General Awareness and you have the liberty to opt the one that suits your need and preparation. The key to remember is to compile and update your notes on a daily basis as the backlog may be overwhelming. 

You may choose to divide the notes month wise or topic wise, it is more effective if you compile it topic wise. You may divide the notes subject wise like static gk has Geography, economics, polity, science & tech etc. and keep adding current affairs related to each subject in the respective sections. 

For eg., ISRO is to launch a GISAT 1 (Geo-Imaging Satellite) to monitor Indian sub-continent continuously. This news can be added under the science and tech section along with the background of the missile system of India.

Revision is paramount 

The syllabus is enormous and the key to scoring 30+ in General Awareness is meticulous retention and recall during the RBI Assistant Mains 2020 examination. To guarantee that, candidates must focus on multiple revisions of the notes assembled and also can refer to the online RBI Assistant preparation app. There are twofold benefits of revision, one it helps you remember facts, figures and other important concepts for a longer time and the other it increases your confidence and self assured about the level of preparedness. Therefore, invest your time in revision to score better. 

Topics that should not be missed

Candidates must cover current affairs of 6 months preceding the exam, i.e. the RBI Assistant Mains 2020 examination is scheduled to be conducted in March 2020, therefore one must cover the news from October-March. 

Let’s look at a few topics which should not be overlooked while preparing for General Awareness. 

Financial, Economic and Banking Awareness 

  • RBI and its functions 
  • Basic Banking history
  • NABARD and RRBs
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy 
  • NPA
  • Digital Banking 
  • Capital and Money market 
  • Basel Norms
  • Union Budget
  • Government Schemes 

Under Current affairs

  • News related to Reserve Bank of India
  • important appointments and resignations 
  • Awards 
  • Reports and Index
  • Sports and Tournaments 
  • Science and Tech, Nuclear and Defence 
  • Important people and place in news 
  • Important Summits,  Meets and conferences 
  • Books and authors
  • Obituary 
  • Bank Name & CEO of Bank & Headquarter & Tagline
  • Important committees

Previous year papers and mock tests

Past year papers tell you which topics to avoid while preparing for General Awareness as there are no questions from that area. For eg., you may choose to avoid purely political events and news, celebrity news and hyper-local news. Similarly, preparing for static GK portion using previous year questions is beneficial as it helps you limit your preparation and determines the scope of the syllabus.

After complete coverage of the syllabus, you must begin practising sectional tests and full-length tests as it provides practice, improves accuracy, minimises wrong answers, and helps you manage time effectively during the exam. 


Generally, candidates tend to put their RBI Assistant Mains preparation on hold while waiting for their Prelims result. You must not make that mistake and utilise this time efficiently and productively. Do remember that the time spent in learning is never a waste.

All the best.

Also read: JEE Mains 2020 toppers share their formula for success

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