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ParentsWorld September 2021 | Mailbox

Welcome parenting apps
Thanks for your informative cover story ‘Best parenting apps 2021’ (PW August). There are literally hundreds of parenting apps and it’s very difficult to choose the best. Your curated list of the Top 10 was helpful and refreshing.
In today’s pandemic routine of work from home and online schooling parents are swamped with an overload of responsibilities and struggle to cope with office duties, household chores and supervising children’s online classes. Apps which simplify parenting duties are most welcome.
I also enjoyed reading your recipes section. The new work from home routine has prompted many parents including myself to try their hand at new recipes and foods.
Reshma Sekar

Useful and relevant
During the first lockdown last year, I got pregnant. With travel and people’s movement restricted, it was a trying time as I could not meet my parents and get first-hand advice about the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy. That’s when while browsing the Google playstore I came across the Baby Center app. It is very well-designed and tracked my pregnancy and foetal development until delivery day. It also gave me some useful tips on what to eat during pregnancy.
Therefore, I loved reading your useful and relevant August cover story in which you have endorsed Baby Center app. With my son now three months old, I am looking forward to downloading some of the early childhood apps recommended by you.
Srilatha Varma

Shun unhealthy packaged foods
Your Middle Years essay on making mealtimes fuss-free provided good advice (PW August). My nine-year-old daughter is a fussy eater. She prefers snacks such as chips and biscuits, and non-veg food. Getting her to eat healthy food including vegetables and fruits is an arduous task.
With the market flooded with all types of packaged foods, it’s a real challenge to keep children from consuming them. I recently attended an online workshop on nutrition which informed us about the dangers of chemicals used in many processed foods. These chemicals and preservatives lead to health problems in children including obesity and juvenile diabetes. It is critical to protect our children from chemical-laden foods. I believe the government needs to bring in regulation to prohibit food companies from using harmful preservatives.
In the US, the government has enacted many regulations about the permissible sugar and salt content in packaged foods. We need to save our children from becoming addicted to unhealthy packaged and fast foods.
Jean George

Introduce life skills education
I am a parent of two teenage children and also a business management professional who often attends a variety of leadership programmes. Soft skills such as good communication, teamwork, creativity and time management are essential for people to succeed in the workplace. Unfortunately, our education system doesn’t expose and/or teach children these very important life skills. The curriculum is focused on academics and exams. As parents we need to pressurise schools to provide life and soft skills enhancement courses. Or take the lead in enrolling children in after-school courses which teach the skills of communication, collaboration and leadership.
It’s a good idea for your magazine to introduce a section on how parents can develop important life skills in children.
Mihika Reddy

Good work
Thank you for publishing an informative parenting magazine. As a parent of two young children aged three and seven years, I enjoy reading your early childhood and middle years sections. Also the Ask the doctor and Ask your counsellor columns are excellent. The child health queries are very real which many parents confront on a daily basis.
Keep up the good work!
Manisha Tiwari

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