EducationWorld – The Human Development Magazine was promoted in 1999 as India’s – and Asia’s – first education news and analysis (monthly) magazine with the mission statement to “build the pressure of public opinion to make education the No.1 item on the national agenda”. After 13 years of uninterrupted publication, during which the readership of this globally unique newsmagazine has spiraled to over 1 million per month, this mission has been substantially attained with education moving from the peripheries to the near-centre of the nation development debate. Every month EW beams a searching spotlight upon major events and issues in K-Ph D education in india and abroad providing detailed coverage, including opinions and analyses of experts with acknowledged domain expertise and experience. Currently principals and teachers of India’s top 20,000 quality-conscious private school are subscriber readers of EducationWorld with several schools having enlisted all parents as school-sponsored subscribers to build informed parent communities.