Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, has condemned the rising incidents of exam paper leaks, describing them as a tool to strip youth of their rights. He accused BJP-ruled states of being rife with such scandals and pledged to bring the issue of protesting BPSC aspirants to Parliament.
Gandhi recently visited Patna, where students have been protesting for nearly a month over alleged irregularities in the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exam. During his visit, he spent time with the aggrieved students and shared a video of their interaction on his YouTube channel.
In the video, Gandhi expressed solidarity with the students affected by the “BPSC exam scam,” which led to police lathi charges against peaceful protesters. He highlighted the students’ detailed accounts of how the leaked question papers circulated on social media, and how a complex system of normalization and scaling left candidates uncertain about their future employment prospects.
“The youth are being caught in a vicious cycle where even if the question papers are leaked, the exams are manipulated, and their future is left in limbo,” Gandhi said, adding that the students were met with violence instead of justice.
He also criticized the government’s refusal to acknowledge the rigging at 28 exam centres, asserting that the issue went beyond Bihar and affected aspiring youth nationwide. “This is a national issue, not just a problem in Bihar,” he stated.
Gandhi vowed to raise the issue in Parliament, promising to champion the students’ demands for justice and a re-examination. “I will not allow the aspirations of these Eklavyas to be crushed,” he affirmed.
The BPSC had conducted the exams in December 2024, with over four lakh candidates across 900 centres. Allegations of paper leaks surfaced, leading hundreds of candidates to boycott the test. The commission, while denying the leaks, ordered re-examinations for over 12,000 candidates at one centre, sparking resentment among other aspirants who felt the fairness of the entire process was compromised.
Source: PTI
Also read: Bihar: No evidence of paper leak in BPSC Exam, asserts minister