
Research identifies gaps in country’s educational data ecosystem


Research conducted by Aapti Institute and Mozilla and funded by USAID has identified atleast eight challenges in India’s educational data ecosystem, like outdated processes and over-burdened teachers.

It also proposes eight recommendations for addressing those challenges, like deploying data specialists in rural areas and promoting open data principles.

The research, titled “Strengthening Data Ecosystems in Indian Schools,” explores how to responsibly leverage data like enrollment rates, student-teacher ratios, attendance, assessment results, and socio-economic information to shape education policies and interventions.

The investigation was carried out over the course of nine months by more than a dozen local experts and spanned 10 states. The Indian school education system includes over 1.49 million institutions, from grade schools to universities, and serves more than 265 million students.

Chris Burns, Chief Digital Development Officer at USAID said, “Globally, we’ve seen a rapid increase in the use of digital tools to drive development, but not as much emphasis on the reliability of the data underpinning such tools. Ensuring access to clean, participatory data is an essential component of our work to foster open, inclusive, secure and rights-respecting digital ecosystems that enable people to thrive.”

Meanwhile, Mehan Jayasuriya, Senior Program Officer at Mozilla added “India has one of the largest education systems in the world, and data plays an increasingly pivotal role in shaping its policies and interventions. When handled responsibly, this data can transform educational outcomes for the better. But there are also significant risks, from mismanagement to misuse. Our investigation explores how to unlock positive transformation while mitigating harms.”

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