PW invited parents of Al Hira Model School, Chennai to share insights on how they plan to maintain their children’s health in the summer
“I will encourage my daughter Shaziya (class XII) and son Shafaaqat (class IX) to sleep early so they can rise early in the summer months. Rising early will enable them to go on early morning walks and engage in some form of outdoor activity/play before the sun gets too hot. Physical activity is absolutely essential for adolescents. To avoid dehydration, I will ensure they drink 2-3 litres of water every day and alternatively fresh fruit juice throughout the day. Spending time with family will strictly be in the absence of digital gadgets.” — Shabana Bano, homemaker
“To start summer days on a positive note, I plan to introduce some fun stretching and breathing exercises for my children – Saara (class III) and Ruqayya (class II) — which will energise them. Healthy homemade meals and tender coconut water, buttermilk and seasonal fruit juice through the day will provide them with essential nutrients and help them beat the heat. I will also ensure my children are disengaged from digital devices so they can spend quality time with family. Finally, a regular sleep schedule and reading aloud favourite bed time stories are also on the agenda.” — Heena Kauser, special educator and freelance counsellor, Al Hira Model School, Chennai
“With limited playground activity in summer, I intend to allocate separate spaces of our terrace garden to my children — Syed Armaan (class II) and Mariam (JKG) — to ensure they learn the basics of hydroponics to grow edible plants of their choice. To maintain good health, the quality of food we consume plays a critical role. Therefore I will make every effort to avoid junk and spicy food and experiment with bakes and new recipes that are healthy and tasty. Growing children need abundant physical exercise. I plan to enrol my children in early morning fitness programs and swimming classes in the evening” — Zahra Nadeem, agri-preneur, Chennai
“With summer around the corner, I am extra protective about the health of my children — Ridha (class VI), Rifa (class IV) and Shoaib (class I). First and foremost I will ensure that they get a good night’s sleep every day to feel fully energized. Secondly, I will ensure they are well-hydrated so they remain active throughout the day. Tender coconut water or a tangy lime juice has its magic while homemade meals loaded with greens are health giving. Last but not the least, bonding with family and friends in the summer positively impacts children’s overall health.” — Sultana Tabassum, homemaker