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STTAR launches special training programme for K-12 educators before school exams

EducationWorld January 2023 | Spotlight Feature


Annual school exams are just round the corner. It’s that time of year when teachers gear up to address the learning needs of students, guide them in better preparation, share tips and tricks to consolidate learning and – by and large – ensure better performance and outcomes. Doing so requires cutting-edge competencies over and above what K-12 teachers may already have.

Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR) is set to conduct a special online Certificate Programme on ‘Essential K-12 Strategies for Teachers’ with the aim of equipping educators with these much-needed competencies before the commencement of the final school exams. To be held from February 2nd to 4th, 2023, the professional development programme will comprise sessions by domain experts with decades of experience in education sector and proficiency in building teaching competencies with research-backed training. What’s more, the programme is aligned with the vision of the National Education Policy 2020 towards teacher training, assessment reforms and better learning outcomes.

‘Essential K-12 Strategies for Teachers’ will comprise three elaborate sessions and one keynote address. The complete programme structure can be accessed at:


Bloom’s Taxonomy: This time-tested framework for defining learning objectives, charting out a learners’ development to high-order thinking (HOT), and ensuring best learning outcomes becomes all the more relevant in the run-up to the exams. The session in the STTAR programme focusses on cognitive levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy to help educators create learning outcomes using verb stems, develop tasks to measure the success of these outcomes, and help educators to frame questions that trigger HOT skills. Leading this session would be Ms Asllesha Thakur, an education evangelist with over 25 years of experience.

Assessments and Enhancement Plans: What kind of assessment is a good gauge of a student’s learning? How much can summative assessment be relied on and how far does formative assessment help in a student’s progress? These questions have been puzzled over by educationists across the world. In the STTAR session, trainer and expert Ms Charu Bajaj will share with teachers some new-age assessment practices, remedial strategies and enhancement plans to create enriching educational journeys for students.

Revision Strategies: Revision is the cornerstone of any exam preparation. Much of what a student learns can slip through the sieve of the mind for lack of effective revision strategies. This STTAR session by Asllesha Thakur will equip participants with the knowledge of the principles of revision and an understanding of the information processing of memory and theories of forgetting. Key highlights include the practices of encoding, storage, retrieval, and revision.

National Education Policy 2020 and Its Impact: National Education Policy 2020 is redefining all aspects of Indian education, from ECCE to higher learning. Educators need to have a clear and deep understanding of its impact on K-12 education to be in a position to guide students in creating meaningful learning trajectories. To this end, an insightful keynote address will be delivered by Ms Vrinda Sarup, Former Secretary, School Education and Literacy, Government of India.


The Certificate Programme on ‘Essential Strategies for K-12 Teachers’ has been created for a broad set of audience. Sushma Raturi, Member Secretary of the Academic Council, STTAR, says, “This special three-day programme will benefit all stakeholders associated with the K-12 domain. While K-12 teachers would be the primary beneficiaries, it is highly recommended to principals, HoDs, subject experts, academics and edupreneurs.”

Registrations for the programme are currently on and seats are filling up fast. To register, visit: or

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