(4 servings) Sukuma Wiki is Swahili for ‘push the week’ and refers to a meal on a budget. It is usually made from leftovers and can include meat. Ingredients 1 kg spinach, chopped into large pieces 2 tbsp flour Juice of one lemon Oil for frying One chopped onion Two-three chopped tomatoes One chilly Leftover cooked chicken Salt, chilly powder and pepper to taste Preparation guide Boil two cups of water in a large pot. Add the greens. Cover with a lid and steam until greens are tender. Mix the flour, lemon juice, and few spoonfuls of water in a small bowl or cup. Stir until smooth. Remove greens from heat and drain. Heat oil in a separate pan. Saute the onion, tomatoes, and hot pepper. Add spices to taste, then add the meat. Add the flour-lemon juice mixture and stir until smooth. Add drained greens. Cover and simmer over low heat until greens are tender and sauce is thickened. Health benefit: Spinach is rich in vitamin A, C, and K and the minerals magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. All these contribute to promoting good bone health. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp
Sukuma Wiki
ParentsWorld February 2021 |
Health & Nutrition