“ John seems to be significantly challenged here and may have a better chance of success in another school,” said the principal.
John’s parents knew all too well what this statement meant, as he had been asked to leave his previous school as well for ‘restlessness’ and ‘disruptive behaviour’ in class, inability to cope with […]
The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence — Rabindra Nath Tagore
We at Shalom manifest in every thought, word and action our philosophy and mindset for a new age education. The educational scenario has undergone a drastic change as the fallout […]
The Punjab Public School was established in 1960 with the objective to provide quality public school education to deserving children of ex-servicemen, serving defence personnel and civilians.
Since inception, a host of Nabhaites have done the school proud. Prominent among them are: Lt Gen O.P. Nandrajog, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd), Vice Admiral J.S. Bedi, PVSM, UYSM, […]
Prof. Denys P. Leighton, Professor and Dean, Jindal School of Languages & Literature O.P. Jindal Global University
Early in 2021, an eminent US public university announced a decision to eliminate its Classics department. Controversy over termination of the department coincided with revelations about Facebook and the ethics of filtering or manipulating the circulation of […]
“ None of us is safe till everyone is safe.” This became a war cry during the pandemic. But long before Covid struck, the basic truth of individual interests linked to the larger well-being of the community has remained firmly ingrained as an essential ingredient in nurturing school […]
In the past eight years since inception, I have been majorly involved with schools in helping them develop their fee management processes and systems to make fee collection more streamlined and errorfree. During this journey, I discovered that fee records in schools don’t match the amounts in bank account […]
Neuroscience suggests that children who receive structured formative education have greater opportunities to learn, grow and succeed in life. We teach the way children learn the best and have worked consistently towards taking teaching beyond the four walls of the classroom and adapted and implemented innovative frameworks to develop 21st century life skills in our […]
Established in 2001 in Taiwan, BenQ has been a pioneer in digitalizing over 3 lakh classrooms in the country which is over 50 percent of India’s total digital classrooms. Additionally, BenQ has extensively worked with various state governments under Operation Digital Board (ODB) to leverage technology in delivering quality education countrywide.
International residential schools affiliated with offshore school-leaving examination boards are the most glamourous and exclusive schools countrywide. This explains why the league table of these schools is the smallest in EWISR
Woodstock’s Craig Cook: India’s best international residential schools
Although many — perhaps thousands — of K-12 schools across the country incorporate the descriptive ‘international’ […]
Normatively sited on sprawling campuses on the outskirts of metros and big cities, international day-cum-boarding schools offer globally benchmarked curriculums, new-tech enabled pedagogies, state-of-the-art academic, sports and co-curricular education facilities and high-quality teachers, including expatriate faculty
IIS-Bangalore’s Lt. Gen. Arjun Ray and Sarojini Rao: best international day-cum-boarding schools 2021-22
India’s international day-cum-boarding schools affiliated with […]
International day schools are popular with upper middle class households, because they provide globally benchmarked K-12 education at relatively affordable prices compared with international day-cum-boarding and wholly residential schools
Rising middle class prosperity in post-liberalisation India — by 2025 the middle class will aggregate 583 million citizens — has fuelled a demand surge for schools providing […]
Contrary to public opinion the number of budget private schools — an entrepreneurial response to 1.20 million state government schools defined by rock-bottom learning outcomes — is not small. 400,000 BPS countrywide have a staggering enrolment of 60 million children.
My Name is Gulab Sagar Kolwankar Tulika books Rs.175 Pages 28
Gulab, the daughter of a manual scavenger, is mocked by her classmates as ‘Stinky Gulab’, not because she is filthy but because her father’s profession involves cleaning of clogged sewer drains and gutters.
So, on science day at school, Gulab takes her first bold step […]
Voices from the lost horizon: stories and songs of the great Andamanese By Anvita Abbi Niyogi books Rs.995 Pages 176
This book records remembered stories and songs retrieved from linguistic and cultural amnesia. The history of migrant tribes from Africa is reconstructed, writes Jayati Gupta
Written by experienced researcher and academic Anvita Abbi, this book is […]
An unprecedented official letter written by D. Kempanna, president of the Karnataka State Contractors Association (KSCA) to the PMO (prime minister’s office), Delhi, complaining that civil engineering proprietaries and firms in Karnataka that execute civic projects for the state and municipal governments are being forced to pay bribes of 30-40 percent of their project fees, […]
The leisurely pace at which slothful bureaucratic public sector enterprises (PSEs) are being privatised is costing the public heavily in terms of loss production and high prices. A case in point is the public sector Oil & Natural Gas Co Ltd (ONGC) which has totally belied its early promise.
The centenary birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien, the brilliant visionary who engineered India’s White Revolution (1960-80s) that transformed chronically milk deficient India into the world’s largest producer thereof, was grudgingly celebrated by way of a few paid ads in the Times of India.
Given the posthumous encomiums showered upon him these days, it’s difficult to […]
With pre-primary education hit hardest by the pandemic lockdown for the second year in succession, we are obliged to publish a truncated survey. C fore personnel interviewed 3,205 sample respondents to rate preschools in six cities on ten parameters of early childhood excellence
One of the conspicuous successes of EducationWorld, ambitiously launched in November 1999 with […]
Since the unlamented departure of Brits from Indian shores 74 years ago, India’s legacy boys boarding schools have thrived and developed their own unique personalities, notably distinct from the indelible snobbery of their British counterparts
Although the almost 200 years (1757-1947) of British rule over India divided the subcontinent into two mutually hostile nations, and ruined […]
Arguably, boarding schools are additionally nurturing for girl children because they offer more liberal and modern environments than conservative households in which girl children routinely suffer overt and covert gender discrimination
Although gender-segregated education is going out of fashion worldwide, in India, a uniquely heterogeneous nation with citizens practicing almost all major religions, speaking 121 […]
The incremental promotion of co-ed schools is a socially positive development because as boys and girl children learn together in inclusive classrooms, they develop mutually respectful relationships and male children in particular, learn to respect girls
Surely it is a marker of positive socio-economic progress that the number of sufficiently well-reputed co-ed boarding schools included in […]
Today education has to prepare young citizens to address contemporary health and climate change challenges and harness new technologies, writes Prof. Geeta Kingdon
As India’s education system from pre-primary to university begins to find its bearings after the longest lockdown of education institutions worldwide, it’s important to devise ways and means to rejig the system for […]
Mindler acquires Immrse
New Delhi, November 16. Delhi-based edtech startup Mindler, a career guidance platform for students and educators, announced acquisition of Immrse, a virtual career internship and simulation platform, in a cash and stock deal. Mindler expects to close the acquisition within three months.
Promoted by Pratham Sutaria, an alumnus of Indian School of Business, […]
Jammu & Kashmir Indian Army-KU agreement
Srinagar, November 8. The Indian Army signed a collaboration agreement with Kashmir University, Srinagar for providing distance education study programmes to soldiers posted in the Valley. The agreement was signed by vice chancellor Prof. Talat Ahmad and Lt. Gen. D.P. Pandey, General Officer Commanding, Chinar Corps at Gandhi Hall […]
Following chief minister Mamata Banerjee’s October 25 declaration that education for class IX-XII students in West Bengal’s 92,000 government and 2,000 private schools, 372 colleges and 32 universities would resume, they were duly reopened on November 16 after the unprecedented 20-month pandemic lockdown. Although education minister Bratya Basu has expressed willingness to reopen […]
Even as the reopening of primary-secondary schools on November 8 after 64-weeks of pandemic lockdown cheered the state’s 21,000 private unaided schools, a new circular of the state’s BJP government directing them to issue transfer certificates (TCs) to students within seven days has proved a dampener. On November […]
The Maharashtra government’s celebrated Wablewadi Zilla Parishad Primary (WZPP) School in Shirur district, Pune, that made headlines for transforming into a state-of-the-art Marathi medium school delivering internationally benchmarked education, is facing a crisis because of political machinations. On November 22, the Pune Zilla Parishad education department suspended its […]
As schools in delhi reopened after an unprecedented closure of 73 weeks (arguably the most prolonged schools closure worldwide) because of the Covid-19 pandemic, there’s looming uncertainty about another lockdown following the discovery of Omicron — a new variant of the novel Coronavirus.
Since the EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) survey was somewhat tentatively introduced in 2007, this annual initiative has evolved into the largest, most detailed and perhaps most sophisticated primary-secondary schools ratings and ranking survey worldwide.
This claim is undisputed because every year 3,000 schools well-reputed in their regions (north, west, east and south) divided into three […]
Congratulations to Team EW for bringing out a mammoth 280-page 22nd anniversary issue! The EducationWorld India School Rankings are undisputedly the most comprehensive school rankings in the country, perhaps worldwide.
Special thanks for adding two new parameters — online education effectiveness and mental & emotional well-being services — to assess schools in these changed times. […]
There’s undoubtedly something rotten in the state of India. The recent appointment of Parag Agrawal, an alumnus of IIT-Bombay as the US-based chief executive of Twitter Inc, USA and successor of Jack Dorsey, the promoter-chairman of this multi-billion dollar hi-tech social network corporation, is being hailed as a great triumph of India and IIT-B in […]
The dramatic repeal of three contentious agriculture reform Acts of Parliament, viz, Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020; Essential Commodities Amendment Act, 2020, by way of prime minister Modi’s national television broadcast on November 19, has evoked mixed […]
The department has not designated any official to approve of when schools wish to move from one building to another in Karnataka, the Karnataka Registered .....Read More
Carrying colours and celebration of holi festival in schools across the country has sparked a nationwide debate after some schools issued notices ahead of the .....Read More
Quality education: New definition
Today education has to prepare young citizens to address contemporary health and climate change challenges and harness new technologies, writes Prof. Geeta Kingdon
As India’s education system from pre-primary to university begins to find its bearings after the longest lockdown of education institutions worldwide, it’s important to devise ways and means to rejig the system for […]