With the logic of supply-side economics having finally impacted itself upon the collective wind of the Congress-led UPA government in New Delhi, the decks are being cleared to permit reputable foreign universities to establish campuses in India. A draft Foreign Education Providers Regulation Bill emanating from the Union ministry of human resource development is already […]
Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell; Abacus; Price: Rs.231; 279 pp
If ever there was a societywhich requires several social revolutions simultaneously, it is the socialist, secular, democratic and sanctimonious Republic of India. Almost 60 years after a collective leadership astonishingly superior to the sawdust caesars of contemporary times, wrested India’s freedom from imperial British rule and endowed […]
Nagaland — the edge of IndiaEncircled by Assam to the north, Burma and Arunachal Pradesh to the east and Manipur down south, this unspoilt land of green valleys and shrouding mists offers the visitor warm, colourful people and well-preserved ecological habitatsA fascinating kaleidoscope of legends and lore, tribal wealth and pristine beauty, Nagaland‚s multi-hued cultural […]
In a perfect world, sports coaches would be caring, considerate individuals who motivate and inspire children without resorting to screaming, put-downs, or humiliating criticism. In a perfect world, coaches would understand each child’s strengths, weaknesses, personality and then work out the best way to communicate with her to generate best results in performance and motivation. […]
In August 2006 a Reuters Alertnet poll classified india as the most dangerous country for children. Two months later the Human Development Report 2006 ranked India one of the world’s worst providers for children. Unsparingly State of the World’s Children 2007 fingers India as the worst performer for under-five mortality rates.Dilip Thakore reports
In my last but one column, I wrote about fear of germs and viruses, immunity and learning to keep well naturally. Looking at disease and wellness from an alternate point of view was promised.
From the time I first became aware that the medical fraternity doesn’t have all the answers, I began experimenting wellness with myself […]
When prime minister TonyBlair was re-elected for his second term almost a decade ago, he famously declared “education, education, education” as his government’s top three priorities. Therefore it’s come as a shock to the public that significant numbers of children are still slipping through the secondary school system without adequate literacy […]
An India-based business process outsourcing project which is currently making big waves in the US is distance education, especially cost-effective private tuition delivered to American school kids online by Indian teachers. In particular the modestly priced ($99.99 per month) online tutoring services in maths, sciences and even English being provided to over 2,000 all-American students […]
Your Counsellor RepliesI‚m in Plus Two (science) and would like to acquire an engineering degree. Please advise which specialisation I should opt for.Ravi Pillai, CochinAfter class XII you should write a pan-India engineering college entrance exam ‚ the IIT-Joint Entrance Examination, the All India Engineering Entrance Examination or a state-level admission test. Depending on your […]
With the paint industry growing twice as fast as India‚s GDP and the automobile and construction industries on a roll, job opportunities for qualified paint technologists are multiplying
With the infrastructure and construction industries belatedly gathering unprecedented momentum, India‚s booming paints manufacturing and service industry (annual sales: Rs.4,900 crore), offers great career opportunities, particularly for paint […]
Worldwide an estimated 9 million people are dyslexic. In India an estimated 2 million children are severely dyslexic, and another 3 million mildly or moderately so.
The word ‘dyslexia’ is of Greek origin, meaning difficulty with words or language. It includes difficulty in learning to read and write — particularly in spelling correctly and expressing thoughts […]
The second all-India TCS-EducationWorld Teachers Awards 2007 attracted 25,000 nominations countrywide. At a gala awards ceremony in Chennai, the eight finalists were showered with gifts, cash awards and mementos.Summiya Yasmeen reports
It was a memorable day of triumph and celebration for the eight school teachers who made it to the national final of the second all-India Tata […]
The story of 13-year-old Benzy Kumar, a special needs class III student of Laxman Public School, Delhi who was awarded the gold medal (of the Union ministry of women’s development and welfare) in last year’s National Child Awards for exceptional achievement by prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on November 14 (Children’s Day), is very near […]
To many, and not just Greenpeace activists and protectionist trade unions, WTO (World Trade Organisation) and GATS (General Agreement for Trade in Services) represent forums for aggressive G-8 countries to dominate investment and trade relations with developing countries. Colonialism and the cold war have ended, but not the aspirations of former imperialist powers to exploit […]
Often billed as the Harvard of the South, Rice University, USA boasts a teacher-student ratio of 1:5 and outstanding faculty which includes Nobel and Pulitzer prize winners.
Set in a 285 acre wooded campus in Houston, Texas, Rice University, although low profile internationally, enjoys an enviable reputation in the US for its high quality academic programmes, […]
Ranked among the top ten of Tamil Nadu’s 225 engineering colleges and third in Chennai based on Anna University exam results, SEC is distinguished by its value-added engineering education
Sprawled over 200 acres oflandscaped gardens with a scenic lotus pond as its epicentre, the Sai Ram Group of 12 education institutions in the West Tambaram […]
The 3rd India & International Premier Schools Exhibition (IIPSE) bandwagon is all set to roll through six Indian cities — Kolkata, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Ludhiana, Ranchi and Patna — starting with a pre-event mega conference titled Premier Schools Conference on February 2 at the Taj Bengal, Kolkata. ‘Building global learning communities through leadership and technology,’ will […]
In what could be regarded as Union human resource development minister Arjun Singh’s finest hour in Indian politics, Parliament passed the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Bill, 2006 on December 14 in the Lok Sabha and four days later in the Rajya Sabha. The Act provides for reservation of 27 percent seats […]
I don’t agreewith the many etiquette experts you have interviewed in the cover story ‘Where have good manners gone?’ of the latest issue (EW December). According to them manners are culturally defined and hence country-specific. I disagree. Good manners are universal and transcend national, cultural and religious barriers. For example letting pedestrians especially women, children […]
A curious miasma of public indifference and official lethargy continues to prevent resolution of the half century old Indo-Pak dispute over the status of Kashmir. Although telling it like it is will certainly raise the hackles of this country’s ubiquitous tribe of supra nationalists and fellow travellers, there’s a growing mountain of evidence which indicates that […]
In the last month of a given year news publications and television channels go to town choosing their citizens of the year. As a relatively new periodical charting unfamiliar territory — the vast neglected spaces of Indian education which mirror every social injustice this misgoverned nation is heir to — we haven’t yet ventured to select […]
Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, a Rhodes Scholar, is the founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana (NCR of Delhi) “The university .....Read More
Kanishka Agarwal, Senior Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation Associate, Pratham Education Foundation and Muskan, Research Assoicate at ASER Centre, currently pursuing an MBA at MDI. Almost .....Read More