For Meena Ganesh, one of India’s top women executives, the wheel has come full circle. A graduate of Madras University and IIM-Calcutta, Meena Ganesh’s first work assignment was with the computer education and training pioneer NIIT Ltd (1985-1992), where she initiated computer training programmes for education institutions. After an interregnum of 23 […]
P. Kishore, the promoter-managing director of Everonn Systems India Ltd, (ESIL), was interviewed by Dilip Thakore in Chennai. Excerpts:Everonn Systems India Ltd (ESIL) is a very successful business enterprise doubling its sales revenue and net profit annually. What are the major factors behind this impressive growth record?
I believe the major factors behind ESIL’s rapid growth are […]
I’m in class XII (science) and keen on taking a degree in aeronautical engineering. Please suggest some reputed institutes offering this course and their admission criteria.
Sunil D’Souza, Panjim
Aeronautical engineering graduates are qualified for entry into many industry sectors — aircraft aerodynamics, mechanical structural design and analysis, aircraft maintenance, aircraft operations, management, and production. Moreover they […]
With ICT invading all spheres of human activity, theres a premium on computer programmers both in the ICT and IT-enabled services industriesThe brain behind every virtual reality game, mobile phone, database system, is a programmer who writes the software and creates tools for computer usage and information storage. In short, computer programmers are responsible for […]
A Hike for Mike: An Uplifting Adventure Across the Sierra Nevada for Depression Awareness by Jeff Alt; Dreams Shared Publications; Price: Rs.703; 198 pp
It’s not the best of times. around the world people live in desperate fear of indiscriminate terror strikes, suicide bombings, economic meltdowns, crashing currencies and stockmarkets. These are only some of the new […]
Yoginder Sikand reports on his recent journey to Laos — one of the worlds few remaining officially socialist countries. This former French colony, separated from consumerist Thailand by the river Mekong, is an unspoiled oasis of forested misty peaks, placid lakes, and acres of emerald rice fields interrupted by golden spires of Buddhist monasteries A […]
The rapid expansion of universities in Africa has damaged teaching quality and undermined research activity, the World Bank has warned. In a hard-hitting report, the bank sets out the problems afflicting higher education in sub-Saharan Africa.Although funding for the regions universities is relatively high in terms of international standards as a proportion of gross domestic […]
They are known as the birds nest generation, products of Chinas one-child policy who are used to living comfortable lives as the centre of attention in their families. But for the many students who were among the 1.7 million volunteers oiling the wheels at last summers Beijing Olympics, a transformation has occurred. Never before has […]
The performance of Malaysian universities in the Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings is a matter of national shame, says a leading politician. Lim Kit Siang, leader of the opposition Democratic Action Party, warned that the countrys universities were losing ground not only to world-leading institutions, but to less illustrious rivals closer to home. In […]
Tutta la vita davanti (‘your whole life ahead), a recent Italian movie, opens with the voice of a young woman defending her thesis. The camera dwells on one wrinkled visage after another, until it becomes clear that the entire examining board is made up of octogenarians — and a chuckle of cynical recognition runs through […]
Environmental degradation, disease, ignorance, malnutrition and child abuse, are exacting a heavy toll on the health and well-being of children across the country. Yet, little attention is being paid to educate them on health issues, with the subject usually relegated to the back burner.Determined to reverse this reality and educate students, teachers and the community […]
Sudhanshu Sinhal (23) is the youngest scion of the Sinhal clan to join the family business — Sinhal Classes, Mumbai (estb.1981), one of the citys most well-known names in the private tutoring and public exams preparation business. Currently Sinhal Classes — a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinhal Classes Pvt. Ltd — manages ten tuition centres across […]
Pune-based finance professor Asad Zafir has been invited by several foreign universities including Fachhochschulle Nordhausen, Germany; University of Twente, Amsterdam and Leopold Business School, Paris, to anchor summer workshops in Europe.An alumnus of Pune University, Zafir often wishes he could use the blackboard to draw up illustrative profit and loss statements and balance sheets. But […]
The high profile huddles of the prime minister and the cabinet with the three defence services chiefs in the war room of the Union defence ministry in December, and the bellicose public statements of Indias foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee to the effect that all options — including the military — are under active consideration of […]
Where there is noble competition, there is victory — AristotleTwenty-five hundred years ago this great philosopher redefined victory to fit his vision of the good life. Unfortunately, contem-porary sportspersons — if at all they are aware of the great mans utterances — have scant regard for this lifestyle observation. Today, on play fields and sports […]
“We signed up one month ago (November) to install an Everonn computer centre and ICT system for our class VI-XII students. The initial reaction of our students to Everonn’s computer literacy and computer aided learning is good and there is great excitement within the student community. I am confident that learning outcomes in […]
The low profile blue-chip Everonn Systems India Ltd is all set to launch a hugely ambitious national education development blueprint which could revolutionise and alter the character of Indian education. Dilip Thakore reports
For the growing minority of thinking citizens who have correctly identified its K-Ph D education system as the Achilles leg (the contagion has […]
A first year mass communications student of Bangalores Shri Bhagawan Mahaveer College, the overriding passion of Viraja Achar (20) is to put Indian athletics on the world map.She started running at the age of eight, and ever since then, shes been building up the spirit and stamina to stand on the London Olympics 2012 winners […]
A Marathi language biography titled Manashri — Eka Drishtiheen Mulichi Netra-deepak Yashogatha (‘Manashri — A visually-impaired girls enlightening success story), narrating an against-the-odds success story of Mumbai-based Manashri Soman (16), has just gone into its second edition after 2,000 copies flew off shelves in 90 days after its release in July (2008). Authored by Sumedh […]
Recognising knowledge as key capital in the 21st century, prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh constituted the National Knowledge Commission (NKC) in 2005, with the brief to suggest ways and means to transform India into a knowledge powerhouse.To successfully address the challenges posed by Indias massive human capital or demographic dividend (550 million Indians are below […]
In partnership with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), British Council (India) has launched International Climate Champions 2009 — a youth oriented programme which aims to inspire young people, especially students, to spread the word about climate change, its effects and what can be done to mitigate them. Sixty young Indians and five Sri Lankan […]
The 15th National Sahodaya Schools Conference held at Bhopal from December 10-12 was attended by nearly 200 delegates from across the country. The conference deliberated the theme ‘Empowering Each Learner of the 21st century.Following two days of intensive debate and discussions, the conference made several recommendations for the consideration of the Union HRD ministry and […]
Ranked the third most educated state in India on the Education Development Index of the Delhi-based National University of Educational Planning and Administration, the southern state of Tamil Nadu (pop: 62.1 million) prides itself for providing easy access to education with officials claiming 99 percent enrollment in government primaries. Nevertheless, knowledgeable academics in Chennai are […]
Trustees and managements of minority-run education institutions in Marxist-ruled West Bengal are up in arms against the state government for deliberately delaying issue of no objection certificates (NOCs), which are mandatory for promoting and administering schools, colleges and universities. Although Article 30 of the Constitution of India confers a fundamental right to all minorities, whether […]
Even though its well-known that the great majority of school leavers in the western world opt for vocational education and training, and Indian industry is experiencing an unprecedented shopfloor skills shortage, formal vocational training continues to remain the blindspot of the education system. This was admitted by D. Purandeswari, Union minister of state for human […]
The collapse of several of the biggest banks and finance companies in America, including Lehman Bros, Morgan Stanley and perhaps even Citibank, and the general economic meltdown, which has compelled the US government to mobilise a massive $700 billion (Rs.3,360,000 crore) bailout package, raises several important questions about ethics, morality and the ugly face of […]
Food 4 Thought Foundation collaborated with Cyient Foundation, the CSR arm of Cyient Ltd. (a global Intelligent Engineering services company), Monocept Consulting and Emesco Books .....Read More
In a significant move aimed at improving the educational system, the Odisha government has announced that the minimum age for enrolling in Class-1 will be .....Read More