Recently, I quite unexpectedly met a group of German visitors to India at the home of a friend who has been promoting the conversion of garbage into compost for ever so long. Her organisation Clean Air Island collects four-five tonnes of wet garbage every day from south Mumbai markets and through the process of vermiculture, converts […]
Your Counsellor RepliesWe are class IX students interested in writing the IIT-JEE exam. Please advise.Filsy S & Krishnapriya R, IdukkiYou still have a long way to go. You have to write the IIT-JEE after class XII or Plus Two (science). However you must start preparing for this exam from class XI onwards.Candidates have to secure […]
Although it has become a fashionable sport for the middle class, in India the mind and muscle game of the golfing greens has yet to acquire the mass popularity it has attained abroad. Golf courses are relatively scarce, and playing equipment is expensive. Hence the total number of golfers countrywide is estimated at a mere […]
One nugget of information fortuitously unearthed on the eve of US President George Bush’s visit to the subcontinent (which has given the communist and left political parties an occasion to display their ignorance of bourgeois good manners), is that prime minister Manmohan Singh’s daughter Amrit is a long time immigrant of God’s Own Country. Over […]
From Bullock-Cart to Mercedes-Benz – The Story of a Bihari boy by P.N. Singh; Dr. P.N. Singh Centre for HRD; Rs.175; 168 pp
Unfortunately there is aconspicuous reluctance within Indian society for people to write their memoirs or autobiographies. This reluctance is usually rooted in misplaced modesty and/ or sentiments related to low self-esteem, which is […]
Singapore’s myriad charmsA shopper‚s paradise and one of the busiest business hubs worldwide, in 2005 this island city-state (682 sq. km) attracted 8.94 million foreign tourists ‚ a tourism inflow 100 percent greater than of India (3.84 million sq. km)Hitherto a shopping, tourism and job-market destination for Indians, the city-state of Singapore (pop. 4.2 million) […]
It’s the time of year when universities host ‘open days’. Prospective students troop round the campus checking out studios, equipment, facilities, canteens and accommodation, while furtively sizing up fellow students. It’s an opportunity for sixth formers to get a feel of the institutions to which they have applied and compare their […]
Quantum leaps in technology, communications and financial markets in the post-liberalisation era have made it mandatory for business managers to be equipped with skills and information to make headway in the rapidly crystallising global marketplace. India, with the world’s largest young population and high-growth economy has begun to attract a growing number of foreign universities […]
In my senior year of high school, in themidst of what would become a 32-game winning streak, my Compton High basketball team went up against Ventura High. During that game I took 16 shots outside the key (equivalent to today’s three-pointer), and made 15 of them.
Even as communist China is transforming into the largest market globally for English language learning, corporates worldwide are experiencing the need for Mandarin Chinese proficient professionals
All the major think tanks of the western world are unanimous that within the next quarter century the People’s Republic of China (pop. 1.3 billion) aka communist China, will overtake […]
Mediation for resolving conflict, is a welcome wind of change blowing into schools and communities worldwide as a strategy for restoring calm in troubled waters. As an Australia-based educator-mediator, trained in the Harvard method of mediation, I discern a need for teachers, lawyers, community and spiri-tual leaders in India to develop mediation skills in one […]
The ninth Mumbai International Festival for Documentary and Short Films (MIFF ) organised by Films Division, a subsidiary of the Union ministry of information and broadcasting, featured a wide range of student films, spotlighting contemporary issues ranging from food and comedy to gender discrimination.
The films screened comprised the best student productions submitted by Film […]
Perhaps as a reaction to the increasingly articulated criticism that India’s much-hyped institutions of science and technology education are producing a new generation of narrowly specialised science nerds and ‘techno-coolies’ lacking broader holistic education, the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M) is all set to introduce revised study programmes in […]
Your cover story ‘Licence-permit-quota blitzkrieg dismays Indian academia’ (EW February) is an unwarranted personal attack on HRD minister Arjun Singh. Although the minister may not have given you an interview as you complain on page 66, where you predict the “end of the road” for him, this is hardly a valid cause to blame him entirely […]
With its high quality faculty comprising a plethora of nobel prize winners and its needs-blind admissions policy, yale attracts the world’s brightest and best students
At the apex of America’s much admired higher education system are the three Ivy League colleges — Harvard, Princeton and Yale. Of these Yale University is relatively low profile, but perhaps […]
In acknowledgement of the stellar role NIFT has played in developing India’s textiles and fashion industry, it was recently accorded the status of an Institute of National Importance
The National Institute of FashionTechnology (NIFT) — the country’s premier fashion design, management and technology institute — was promoted in New Delhi in 1986 under the aegis […]
In business, the most important lesson I havelearned is that there is one currency that always plays the key role in forming value, and that is human capital — the knowledge, skills and experiences of people. In education, the same principle applies. We know from research that aside from home and family, the single most […]
ASER 2005 — the country’s first independent nationwide survey of rural primary education — confirms deep-seated public suspicion that post-independence India’s elementary education effort has been a massive failure.Dilip Thakorereports
For the small minority of genuine educationists and social scientists as well as for responsible citizens anxious about the future of India’s 415 […]
By the time this issue of EducationWorld is in your hands, the Union budget for fiscal 2006-07 will have been presented to Parliament and politicians, academics and pundits will be earnestly arguing its implications and merits. The indications are that it will be essentially a status quo budget, bereft of any significant additional revenue mobilisation effort. Which […]
Even as the annual inflow of foreign students into the country’s crumbling institutions of higher education has declined, a quiet revolution is transforming India into an international hub of high quality english medium secondary education.Summiya Yasmeen investigates
Following the liberalisation and deregulation of the Indian economy since 1991, a quiet revolution is transforming india into an international hub […]
The department has not designated any official to approve of when schools wish to move from one building to another in Karnataka, the Karnataka Registered .....Read More
Carrying colours and celebration of holi festival in schools across the country has sparked a nationwide debate after some schools issued notices ahead of the .....Read More