Shravan Kumaran (14) and his younger sibling Sanjay (12), promoters of Chennai-based mobile applications company GoDimensions Pvt. Ltd (regd. 2011), are surely India’s youngest and most famous company directors.
Class IX and VII students of Chennai’s highly rated Vael’s Billabong-High International School, they have developed seven applications for Apple and three for the Google Android playstore, […]
Are you satisfied with the importance given to education on the national development agenda?
Yes, there has been commendable emphasis on education in the 12th Plan. Emphasis on infrastructure and faculty issues is also commendable.
How best to upgrade government colleges?
There’s urgent need to upgrade faculty, […]
Are you satisfied with the importance given to education on the national development agenda?
Yes, there has been commendable emphasis on education in the 12th Plan. Emphasis on infrastructure and faculty issues is also commendable.
How best to upgrade government colleges?
There™s urgent need to upgrade faculty, infrastructure and teacher education systems. For the latter, […]
IT™S THE WORLD™S MOST renowned and richest university with a humungous endowment corpus of $33 billion (Rs.204,600 crore). But recently, stories have surfaced in the US media detailing how the university™s management often trades admissions of the progeny of rich and powerful elites in developing countries ” especially China™s princelings (children of top communist party […]
The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist; Orhan Pamuk; Penguin books; Price: Rs. 450; Pages 190
Right through the 20th century, several eminent writers including Jose Ortega Y. Gasset (1925), Walter Benjamin (1930), and in the latter half of the 20th century, Gore Vidal and Roland Barthes predicted the death of novel writing as a literary […]
The only state in India to host the Western and Eastern Ghats culminating in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu boasts five Unesco World Heritage sites and a southern tip plunging into the sea at the point of confluence of the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean
CONTRARY TO POPULAR opinion, Ooty, Kodaikanal and Puducherry […]
In its Stocktaking Report 2012-13, the RTE Forum, a Delhi-based national coalition of over 10,000 NGOs, educationists and social activists, has strongly criticised the Central and state governments for œslow progress in implementation of the RTE Act, 2009. While acknowledging that over the past four years, government outlays for elementary education have increased, more teacher […]
Four years after this landmark legislation made it mandatory for the State to provide free and compulsory education to every child aged 6-14 years, ground reports indicate that 92 percent of primary schools are non-compliant with the Act, and there™s a shortage of 700,000 teachers countrywide
NEXT MONTH, THE HISTORIC Right of Children to Free […]
PLAYWRIGHT RICHARD DRESSER, a Little League (baseball) father and coach, wrote a humorous play Rounding Third in 2002. The play features two coaches ” Don, a veteran, tough, blue-collar, win-at-all-costs coach whose son is the star pitcher on a baseball team, and Michael, a newcomer to the town and to baseball. He is a corporate […]
NATIONS SUCH AS THE UK, Australia and Canada compete fiercely to attract foreign students ” and the ability of universities to attract overseas students is an increasingly important factor in immigration policy debates in these countries. Now, Germany™s new coalition government wants to raise the number of overseas students in the country to 350,000 by […]
DESPITE PRESSURE FROM POLITICAL leaders, radio talk-show hosts and callers and newspaper editorials, Canada™s York University has stuck to a decision to comply with a student™s request to exempt him from interacting with women in campus seminars. The issue arose last September when a student of an online sociology course informed Paul Grayson, the professor […]
THERESA MAY™S POLICIES AS home secretary (minister) have œbutchered the UK™s relationship with India leading to the first-ever decline in overseas student numbers, a vice chancellor has claimed.
But the University of East Anglia™s Edward Acton has declined to blame the downturn for the closure of the institution™s London campus, which lost £7 million (Rs.72.8 […]
THE FRENCH MINISTRY OF higher education and research is trying to bridge the gap between universities and the corporate world. But its latest venture, an advisory group on curriculum reform headed by business leaders, is rubbing up some academics the wrong way.
œWe cannot stand by and watch our youth fall victim to the economic […]
IF THE WORLD™S EDUCATION systems have a common focus, it™s to produce school-leavers who are proficient in mathematics. Governments are impressed by evidence from the World Bank and others, that better maths results raises national incomes. That, together with the soul-searching provoked by the cross-country PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) comparisons of 15-year-olds™ mathematical […]
MARGARET GELLER IS describing how, as part of her work at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, she studies how binary stars occasionally leave the galaxy. œThat seems rude, interrupts a professional comedian seated nearby.
This intriguing scenario did not happen at a dinner party, or on a train whose passengers are eavesdropping on one another. […]
AN ALUMNUS OF MODERN school, Delhi University, WLCI Business School, and CIMA, London, Rishi Khemka is chief executive and director of the Mumbai-based Ark Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. He is also the promoter-CEO of Aditya Infotech Ltd (estb. 2001), a well-known name in the CCTV surveillance equipment, video graphics and software businesses.
Newspeg. Last December, Ark […]
IF INDIA™S DESTINY IS BEING shaped in its classrooms as the Kothari Commission (1966) stated in its oft-quoted opening paragraph, every educator and right-thinking citizen should be asking tough questions about policy planning and quality of teaching that has led to a miasma in Indian education five decades later.
Alarm bells have been ringing for […]
I™m a class XII (science minus biology) student. What courses can I pursue after Plus Two?
Sridhar Rao, Bangalore
You have the option of signing up for a bachelor™s degree in engineering, pharmacy, architecture or interior design. The architecture and interior design programmes demand an aptitude for drawing and visual/spatial apperception. Another option is to […]
This service industry offers excellent career opportunities for young people as well as retired sports professionals and champions
With millions of people from all walks of life including celebrities and senior citizens eager to lose weight and get into shape, fitness training is a rapidly growing career in India™s fast-track health and wellness industry whose […]
The level of investment in professional development is generally higher in IB schools. To be authorised to offer IB programmes, teachers need to attend appropriate professional development programmes, to go beyond basic levels of understanding and pedagogical approaches. With a simultaneous peer-to-peer model, we believe in the empowerment of teachers with pan-regional learning and sharing […]
We are fortunate to have worked with schools in India for over 100 years. The first school to offer Cambridge qualifications in India was the Hebron School, Ooty in 1898. Our relationship with the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) began when the council was established in 1958 to adapt Cambridge exams to the […]
The curriculum of The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations is challenging and at par with other international curricula. The syllabus is continually reviewed and changes are incorporated if required. With increased globalisation, students are no longer bound by geographical boundaries. Students writing ISC examinations are well-equipped to take all competitive examinations.
The year 2012-2013 was as eventful as many other previous annums.
Extending the coverage further this year, the board inducted 59 new schools in the system. To impart clear understanding of CBSE system four induction programmes for the principals of newly affiliated schools were conducted during the academic year.
From this year, CBSE also started […]
Although college administrations are obliged to admit students on the basis of grades awarded by state, pan-India and offshore exam boards on the presumption of parity inter se, some boards are more equal than others
the ideas of March are stressful times for an estimated 14 million class X and 9 million class XII students […]
Unlike his friends who are preparing for their class XI exams, Lucknow-based Saubhagya Vardhan, a student of Noida’s National Institute of Open Schooling, expects to be attending classes at Stanford University, USA, this autumn. By virtue of his excellent grades” the highest grade in four of five subjects” in the AP (Advanced Placement) exam written […]
THE ELEVATION OF INDIA-born and schooled Satya Narayana Nadella to chief executive officer at Microsoft Inc, USA ” the world™s most well-known IT corporation (annual revenue: $77.85 billion or Rs.484,149 crore) ” has been widely reported in the media. All reports were anchored by a streak of pride proclaiming it as an Indian achievement. This […]
Established in 1863 by Jesuit priests, Boston College is globally reputed for teaching and research, and routinely ranked among America’s Top 50 universities
FOUNDED IN 1863 by the Society of Jesus, Boston College (BC) is a top-ranked university reputed internationally for teaching and research. The U.S. News & World Report ranks BC #31 in its America’s […]
REC recently hit the headlines for hosting the 34th World Universities Debating Championship which attracted 473 teams from 76 countries. Hemalatha Raghupathi reports
Sited on a vast and verdant 45-acre campus in Thandalam village, off the bustling industrial town of Sriperumbudur ” 35 km from Chennai ” the Rajalakshmi group of institutions comprising Rajalakshmi Engineering […]
The Bangalore-based Tally Education Pvt. Ltd (TEPL, estb. 2014) announced the launch of the Tally Institute of Learning (TIL) last month. This franchise initiative of TEPL commenced on February 9 with student training scheduled to start from April 1 this year. TIL franchisees countrywide will offer students a bouquet of courses ranging from one-six months, […]
Uttar Pradesh
AMU rebuffs Yadav
SAMAJWADI PARTY chief Mulayam Singh Yadav who was slated to address a seminar at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) on February 24, cancelled his visit after widespread protests led by university faculty on the AMU campus. Yadav had been invited to address the seminar organised by the Sir Syed Movement, a […]
œWe need to believe in the impossible and remove the improbable… As we look forward, we must zero in what Microsoft can uniquely contribute to the world.
Satya Nadella, the India-educated new CEO of Microsoft, in his first letter to employees (February 4)
œIt™s time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a […]
THE OPEN, CONTINUOUS and uninterrupted efforts of the Karnataka state government to devolve its obligation to dispense affordable professional (medical, engineering, dentistry, pharmacology, architecture etc) education to youth of the state upon privately promoted colleges on onerous terms and conditions stipulated by it (government), show no signs of slacking.
For over two decades, 45 percent […]
TELANGANA, INDIA™S 29TH STATE (with ten districts including Hyderabad and a population of 34 million), finally became a reality with the Central government passing the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, 2014 through the Rajya Sabha on February 20 following unruly protests, pepper spray attacks, repeated disruptions, arguments and adjournments in Parliament. With the Bill set to […]
AFTER EXERTING TREMENDOUS pressure on Tamil Nadu™s 9,275 private unaided schools to admit students as per s.12 (1) (c) of the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), 2009, which mandates that private schools allot 25 percent seats in class I or preschool if any, to poor and socially disadvantaged children in their neighbourhood, […]
WEST BENGAL™S TRINAMOOL CONGRESS PARTY (TMC), which swept to power in the state three years ago on party leader and chief minister Mamata Banerjee™s œintegrity promise ending 34 years of uninterrupted rule of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM)-led Left Front government in the state (pop. 91 million), is reeling under a host of scams […]
THE APPROVAL GIVEN BY THE SCAMS-tainted Congress-NCP government of Maharashtra to the Nashik-based Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS, estb. 1998) to introduce a one-year certificate programme in modern pharmacology, completion of which would licence the state™s 55,000 homeopathic doctors to prescribe allopathic medicines, has evoked a storm of protest from medical associations and medical […]
EVEN IF BELATEDLY, the decks have been cleared and the stage is set for implementation of the recommendations of the Supreme Court-appointed Justice J.S. Verma Commission for improving the teacher education system countrywide with a National Regulator of Teacher Education and National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) preparing to regulate and supervise newly structured teacher […]
CONGRATULATIONS FOR the newly designed EducationWorld (February) which now has a pleasing and unique layout.
I congratulate you, your editorial team, and designers for giving the magazine a refreshing look. It™s a treat to read EW every month, and the editorials in particular.
Savita Mehta
Revive Tagore™s dream!
CONGRATULATION ON the new-look EducationWorld (February)! […]
ACCORDING TO DATA RELEASED BY THE Central Statistics Organisation on February 8, the country™s domestically generated national income aka GDP (gross domestic product) is expected to record a growth of 4.9 percent in the year ending March 31, 2014 compared with 4.5 percent growth in fiscal 2012-13. This is the first time since 1985 when […]
Right now an estimated 23 million class X and XII students across the country are in the final stages of preparing for their school-leaving board exams which will be held countrywide this month. Although a small but growing fraternity of enlightened parents do their best to reduce examination stress that children routinely suffer in this […]
The University of Madras has cancelled a lecture titled “How to Spread Christianity in India”, scheduled for March 14, following protests from the ABVP, Hindu .....Read More
The BJP on Monday slammed the Punjab government, accusing it of political influence in education after a Class 12 Political Science exam allegedly included questions .....Read More